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Business environment

Business environment
Business environment assigment.
Your assignment requires you to research and examine the operations of a UK public limited company with which you are familiar and discuss the following in detail:
1. a) Identify the goals, mission and objectives of the chosen company and compare and contrast them with a private company known to you.
b) Identify the stakeholders of the chosen company and describe the extent to which it meets the objectives of its different stakeholders and the strategies used.
2. Assess the impact of the following issues on the chosen company:
a) The UK economic system
b) The UK government policies – fiscal policies including monetary policy
c) Competition policy
d) Regulatory policies
3 With reference to the chosen company explain:
a) How market structures influence its pricing decisions.
b) Identify and discuss how market forces shape its organisational response – use a range of examples for the discussion.
c) State and discuss how the business and cultural environment it operates in, shape its behaviour.
4. In general and with reference to the chosen company,
a) discuss the significance of international trade to UK organisations
b) Impact of global factors on UK businesses
c) Impact of EU policies on UK business
Is not necessarily chose a public limited company,my requests to write about Eat.ltd, is a littl company, that sells fast food in London. This company is private company so, can you in firs task to compare this company with public.
