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Career Technology Education

Career Technology Education
Your school corporation recently hired a new superintendent. Your new superintendent has limited knowledge of career and technical education and has asked you to
explain in detail the concepts listed below in terms that a layperson could understand. While your new superintendent doesn?t necessarily like offering page lengths
for such responses, here are some general guidelines:

? A clearly articulated response in the range of four complete (top to bottom) pages not including references/resources will likely be assessed in the acceptable
range. This acceptable assessment assumes accurate content and suitable depth across each question concept.

? A clearly articulated response in the range of six complete (top to bottom) pages not including references/resources will likely be assessed in the target range.
This target range assessment assumes accurate content and suitable depth across each question concept.

? State Plan for Career and Technical Education?This document provides the framework for career and technical education in Indiana (and all other states) from July 1,
2008 through June 30, 2013, and is a direct result of The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006. As a career and technical education
teacher, it is essential that you have a complete understanding of this document. Specifically, your new superintendent would like for you to explain in your own words
five items contained in the Indiana State Plan for Career and Technical Education (or your respective state plan) that you did not know about but will have or has had
a direct impact on your program, your school, and/or community. Please reference the appropriate pages for each of your responses.

? Area Career Centers?States are divided into area career districts. Each career district is served by an area career center (or similar school configuration) to meet
the career and technical education needs of local students. Specifically, your new superintendent would like for you to provide in your own words a review of a
selected area career center (or similar school configuration). Three area career center websites that would be useful for this question component include: Four County
Area Cooperative, McKenzie Career Center, and Walker Career Center.
? Dual Credit?The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006 requires that secondary and postsecondary programs be aligned to include
academic and career and technical education in a non-duplicative progression of courses. This requirement can best be achieved via articulation agreements resulting in
dual credit. Specifically, your new superintendent would like for you to explain in your own words the ?basic conditions? of dual credit at it applies in your state.
Please include appropriate references to support your comments.

? Integration of Academic and Career and Technical Education?The integration of academic and career and technical education is mandated by federal legislation and also
makes good sense. Please use the article written by Dr. Debra Bragg from the University of Illinois, Urban-Champaign entitled Reclaiming a Lost Legacy: Integration of
Academic and Vocational Education ? https://www.bsu.edu/libraries/protected/ereserves/Truell/BED582/Bragg1999.pdf
? as the reference when responding to this item. Dr. Bragg is a nationally noted expert on the integration of career and technical education. Specifically, your new
superintendent would like for you to explain in your own words the following integration of academic and career and technical education models discussed in Dr. Bragg?s
article: (1) within-course integration, (2) capstone integration, and (3) cross-curricular integration.

? Community College Career and Technical Education Programs?Postsecondary CTE programs provide individuals with numerous opportunities to continue education beyond
high school. Specifically, your new superintendent would like for you to explain in your own words the various CTE programs that could benefit your students or your
potential students available at your local community college. Please provide the specific community college and programs to support your answer.

Decision Making Process
“Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?”’. The UK’s EU referendum is being held on Thursday, 23 June 2016.
Assuming that you have the right to vote, analyse and criticize your decision making process. Your answer should include your decision making process; critically
discuss your decision making process. 110SAM 1516MAYJUL Assignment Brief (CW2) Page 2 of 9

Topic 2: Emotional intelligence (approx. 500 words) Watch the YouTube video


Demonstrate your understanding of the significance of EI to personal success in

Topic 2: Emotional intelligence (approx. 500 words) Watch the YouTube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xSl-RIVMm8. Demonstrate your understanding of the
significance of EI to personal success in work place; apply an EI theory to discuss how you would like to develop your emotional intelligence for employability.

Topic 3: Corporate culture (approx. 500 words) Apply a case study to demonstrate your understanding of the concept of CSR; discuss ethical issues of the case in both
positive and negative perspectives.

How to submit your assessment

The essay must be submitted via Turnitin by 23.55 on 21st June 2016. No paper copies are required. You can access the Turnitin link through the module web.

 Your coursework will be given a zero mark if you do not submit a copy through Turnitin. Should you submit work on time but fail the assignment, you will be offered a
resit opportunity but the resit mark will be capped at 40%.

 All work submitted after the submission deadline without a valid and approved reason (see below) will be given a mark of zero. Please note that a non-submission is
not the same as a failed submission; a failed submission counts as an attempt whereas an absent mark does not necessarily allow you to resit the coursework.

 Short deferrals (extensions) of up to three calendar weeks can only be given for genuine “force majeure” and medical reasons, not for bad planning of your time.
Please note that theft, loss, or failure to keep a back-up file, are not valid reasons. The short deferral must be applied for on or before the submission date. You
can apply for a short deferral by submitting an Examination/ Coursework Deferral Application Form. Application Forms along with the supporting evidence should go to
the relevant Student Support Office. For a longer delay in submission a student may apply for a long deferral.

 Students MUST keep a copy and/or an electronic file of their assignment. 110SAM 1516MAYJUL Assignment Brief (CW2) Page 3 of 9  Checks will be made on your work
using anti-plagiarism software and approved plagiarism checking website


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