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Case Study

You will write a narrative “Case Study” consisting of no more than 2 typewritten pages (APA format) that will describe a work conflict situation brought about by differences in generational work styles of the staff that requires intervention by the nurse leader/manager.
The case study may be a “real” situation that you or your preceptor has encountered OR one that you create. If this is a real conflict, be sure and use initials only or change the names. Be sure that the “players” in this case study are from various age groups reflecting multi-generations.

In addition to the listed resources, search the professional literature and use at least 2 additional articles related to working with generations in your case study.

Components of the case study:
1. Identification of the work conflict issue (what the staff has complained to you about)
2. Issues surrounding the conflict issue
3. Generational differences of the staff involved (include all generations and use current literature to support your description of the generations)
4. Your strategy to handle the conflict and mediate the situation
5. Outcome(s) of your intervention
6. How you can apply this information in your role as a nurse leader/manager
7. References (APA format)
8. Will turn in to turnitin, to check originality.

READ CHAPT 15,17-19
Required Course Text: (Must reference the textbook and at least 2 other outside sources)
Nelson, E.C., Batalden, P.B., & Godfrey, M.M. (2007). Quality by design: A clinical microsystem approach (1st ed.). Jossey-Bass.

READ Roussel, Chapters 21, Chapter 8, pp 330-334, Chapter 11 (review)

Textbook from NURS6114 Introduction to Health Systems Leadership course (Roussel, Management and Leadership for Nurse Leaders )
