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chinese civilization

chinese civilization

Chinese novels and stories from the Yuan, Ming and Qing periods are some of the best available sources on Chinese people’s social life, material culture, and beliefs during the period from the fourteenth to the eighteenth centuries. In a well-organized essay of about 5 double-spaced pages (at least 1250 words), explain what you learned about ONE of the following topics from your reading of stories and novels from this period:
loyalty, justice, and honor

To make your points, please quote directly from THREE of the following: Three Kingdoms, Outlaws of the Marsh, Monkey (Journey to the West), Golden Lotus (Jin Ping Mei), The Unofficial History of the Scholars (Rulinwaishi), Story of the Stone (Hong loumeng), Strange Stories from A Chinese Studio (Liao zhaizhiyi, on iLearn.) Do not include quoted material in your word count. Do not use materials not assigned for the class. You are welcome to do the reading in Chinese if you prefer, but your paper must be in English, and you must provide an English translation of any quoted material in Chinese.
Checklist: please make sure of the following before handing in written work.
( ) Typed, print dark enough to read easily; one-inch margins, 12-point type, standard font.
( ) Word count and number of pages as assigned.
( ) Numbered pages, stapled or clipped together; no folders or covers.
( ) Title (required) on a separate title page. Make sure the topic you’ve chosen is clear from your title. “Assignment #2″ is not an acceptable title. Please include your name, e-mail address, course number, date.
( ) Proofread carefully for errors in logic, organization, grammar, and spelling. It’s easy to tell when a paper has not been proofread, and your grade will be affected for the worse if your paper reads like a first draft.
( ) You must keep a copy for yourself and be able to produce it on request.
( ) Paper copy AND authorized electronic copy ONLY. Your paper will count as on time only if it is submitted online by the deadline. I do not accept papers by ordinary e-mail or fax.
Using sources: Please give me your opinions, not “research,” not plot summaries. To support your opinions, quote directly from your primary sources rather than summarizing them. Do not quote secondary sources., as your papers should consist of your own reactions to the primary sources. Plagiarism is quite easy to detect, and it can have the most serious consequences for your university career. This course is designed so that you do not need to use materials beyond those assigned, which can therefore be cited very briefly (title and page numbers only.) DO NOT USE MATERIALS THAT ARE NOT ASSIGNED FOR THE CLASS, AND PLEASE TURN YOUR WEB BROWSER OFF WHEN YOU ARE WRITING A PAPER.
