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Communication for Professionals

PROF500 assessment 1

Improving my communication skills has been a work in progress starting back in the early years of my life. I have always been my own worse critic, by beating myself down through interpersonal communication. Now as an adult I have made great improvements but still have trouble dealing with perception and self-image. Not being raised in an environment of positive reinforcement and poor communication in the workplace. I have made it a point to change that trait in my own family and professional environment and I will continue to build on these interpersonal skills to establish long-lasting relational sensitivity in order to help increase my organisational productivity.
When I was going through losing hope scenario, I found out that ability to communicate ideas effectively is increasingly recognized as critical to the success of Healthy Oxygen Promotional Education (HOPE). Relational communication is required not only for successful interactions between individuals, but in the complexity organizational life as a connection between all levels of personals in order to enable best outcomes for consumers since our lives depends on them. Many of the impediments to good communication that raised issue among HOPE team are discussed, including co-production and its effectiveness in public organisation. There are several barriers to communication that can keep HOPE Commission from being improved and corporate. The barriers that interfere with effective communication, firstly is the board of Hope’s commissioners who remained somewhat distant from the operational activity of the organisation, which led to this communication breakdown or ineffective communication. Secondly are uncivil behaviours and lastly is lack of interpersonal skill.
Denial of contrary information occurs when the Debra and Michael whom are part of HOPE Team has conflicting information in which the sender has already acknowledged as valid but Debra conveying the message with different meaning. A person that is known for producing non-creditable, inaccurate information will not be trusted (Harrison-Walker, 2012). With preconceived ideas Debra and Michael heard based on beforehand their personal opinions, views, or ideas about the information transmitted.
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The second issue is uncivil behaviours demonstrated by the CEO. Uncivil behaviours occurs commonly and many organisations fail to recognise them, few understand their harmful effects, and most managers and executives are ill-equipped to deal with them. HarrisonWalker (2012) stated that incivility causes its targets, to experience low morale value. Low morale in the workplace directly affects productivity and the financial goals of the company. It is important to allow employees to feel respected and valued. This can be achieved through several ways including open communication and creating teams. Each employee should be given a forum to express their issues and concerns publicly or privately. Secondly building small teams to ensure the whole organisation are spending more face time and working on common goals. An employee must have effective team skills and selfawareness to accurately perceive situations, self-management skills to balance work life and home life, and the ability to extract positive lessons from negative situations (HarrisonWalker, 2012).
Lastly is lack of interpersonal skills. Interpersonal skills are not easy. In the workplace, it’s the ability to communicate with others effectively and create the special synergy where the work gets done and the office is regarded as a pleasant place to be (Vandegrift & Colvin, 2012). The recent concerns regarding the poor communication that created dissension and led to disputes and misunderstanding that is occurring in HOPE organisation. Building positive relationship is a priority. There are several steps that can be taken to foster a new and productive workplace.
Co-production shifts the balance of power, responsibility and resources from professionals. Coproduction is more to individuals, by involving people in the delivery of their own services. Coproduction means delivering public services in an equal and reciprocal relationship between professionals, people using services, their families and their neighbours. Where activities are coproduced in this way, both services and neighbourhoods become far more effective agents of change. Each supervisor should consult with his subordinates before instituting changes in process, personnel, or equipment, a practice known as consultative management. Supervisors should make it a habit to ask their employees what they think then, listen and get their ideas.
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Harrison-Walker, L. J. (2012). Place brands and the relational branding communication process. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 16(S1), 51+. Retrieved from http://go.galegroup.com.ezproxy.une.edu.au/ps/i.do?id=GALE%7CA327357138&v=2.1 &u=dixson&it=r&p=AONE&sw=w&asid=a438c21cd475f94b7a4465b4f33507d9
Vandegrift, M. m., & Colvin, G. g. (2012). Relational communications. College & Research Libraries News, 73(7), 386-389


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