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Company Case Analysis (business strategy information system)

Company Case Analysis (business strategy information system)

The purpose of the case analysis is to present you with a typical scenario you will encounter in business at some point in your early career and to let you apply the concepts you’ve learned in class and from the book to analyze the issues facing a specific company (or person).

Your assignment: Using the provided “SMB Case” material plus additional information that you have researched, write a Case Analysis that provides a solidly considered IT/IS strategy recommendation to Janice (Senior Director of IT) [You are writing this for her, not me.] that will help accelerate the growth of the business by improving the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing, sales, inventory and accounting functions. As with all business writing, assume other people not directly addressed may read your case. In this instance, assume all the senior executives will read your analysis. Note that the market opportunity is good so there is growing competition in the region from other larger, more technically savvy companies.

As you consider the elements of the case, think about the implications of the Enhanced Leavitt’s Diamond Model that we covered in class. This is your tool to make sure all relevant bases/topics are covered appropriately.

Note: Liberal use of tables, charts and diagrams is highly recommended. Any financial information related to your implementation must be in table format.

SMB, the company should informate. (informate and Model please read the PPT)

Using Leavitt’s Diamond Model – Modified, please cover the four main areas*:

Start with: Process
Put all of your benefits here for CRM, SCM, ect. (Do not talk costs or specific products here.Follow with: Technology
Subhead: Software
Cover the details of your choice of CRM, SCM etc. Comparison tables work well here.
Subhead: Hardware
Details of the computers, smartphones, etc. that are required to support the software.
Subhead: Infrastructure
Network diagram plus a discussion of the diagram elements.
