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Compare and Contrast

Compare and Contrast

Read the two poems and Listen to the two songs -Ballad of the Landlord? LLangson Hughes ?We Real Cool? Gwendolyn Brooks ?The Message? Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five ?The Corner? Common After reviewing all of them write about how they’re similar and different to each other
Higher Learning is one of my favorite movies its sends a message that is so powerful to the audience. Three incoming freshman students starting at Columbia’s University. Mailk Williams academically challenged athlete who facing racial conflicts at the university, Kristen Corner a privileged child who’s from Disneyland and Remy social misfit lonely in confused from Ohio
In history, race class and gender are categories that separates us as United States citizens.
What is the relationship between income, wealth, and race in the United States?
3. What are private social capital and collective social capital? How do they shape a person’s opportunities?
What does Lorber mean when she writes that gender is a social construct? (Think about how gender is constructed.)
Social construct
Define intersectional criminology. What are its defining characteristics?

3. Consider the examples Potter highlights throughout Ch. 4 (specifically identify one). What makes these studies intersectional?

Define intersectional criminology. What are its defining characteristics?

3. Consider the examples Potter highlights throughout Ch. 4 (specifically identify one). What makes these studies intersectional?

Explain what the author’s definition of “The American Dream” is and how this idea is conveyed to society.
3. Briefly describe the author’s discussion as it intersects with gender and race.

Why is the title of Joanne Belknap’s book The Invisible Woman?
3. What have feminist theories contributed to mainstream criminological theories? First explain and identify at least two key oversights and problematic assumptions in mainstream criminological theories. Next, explain how feminist theories have attempted to correct these oversights and assumptions?
