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Complete Research Paper on Paris Agreement

Complete Research Paper on Paris Agreement

Research Paper Instructions

Follow instructions carefully. Otherwise your grade will be affected.

You can discuss the topic with colleagues. But you are not allowed to share your work. Alike assignments will earn a grade of 0 first time.

Alike assignments will lead to an F in the course second time.

Previous semester assignments will earn a grade of 0 first time.

Previous semester assignments will lead to an F in the course second time.

Sources and Plagiarism

Cite your sources (i.e., websites, books, magazines, etc.)

Answers without sources will not earn grade.

Plagiarism: To use the same words as your source.

Plagiarism leads to a 0 in the assignment. No matter if it is only a sentence.

Be organized and professional.

Consistent formatting is expected (Line spacing, margins, fonts, numbering, etc.) Poorly presented assignments will lose up to 20% because of presentation.

Answers without proper support will not earn any grade. Include calculations when necessary.

Refer to appendixes when explaining your answer.

Research Topic

The Paris Agreement is an agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Under the Paris agreement, participating countries need to determine, plan, and report their progress to mitigate global warming. Although the US president Donald Trump announced his plans to withdraw from the Paris agreement, some US states, local governments, and corporations have initiated to take actions to mitigate global warming.

Research about the Paris agreement and the recent developments in general and developments regarding the United State’s withdrawal plans. Then, discuss how withdrawal from the Paris agreement can affect environment, social, and economic sustainability in global, national, and individual business contexts. Also, assume that you were asked to develop actions in the organization that you are familiar with (a place you worked, a place you studied, etc.). Recommend few actions that you can implement to improve sustainability of that organization.

Your research paper should be minimum 500 words and maximum 2000 words, excluding references and appendices. This assignment will be graded using the “Rubric for writing assignments” criteria, which is stated in the syllabus.

You may refer various source, including but not limited to Wikipedia, Academic journals, Media reports, Websites, and Books. Be sure to cite all the resources you refer. Do not copy and paste from the sources you refer, except for definitions or noteworthy statements.

MGMT 3106: Management Science and Operations Management

This assignment is part of assigned work for this course. You are required to research the following topic and write a report in the format given below.

Section 1-Introduction

The Introduction includes the following information:

The objectives and scope of the investigation
A description of the structure of the report that allows the reader to know what to expect Section 2-Literature Review
This section should include followings:

Brief history of the topic
Recent developments in the field
Current events affecting the topic
Section 3-Discussion

This section should include followings:

The current course of action, its effects, and any evidence to support it
Proposed actions and how it might affect the future results
Section 4: Conclusions & Recommendations

The Conclusions and Recommendations section closes the report. The information included in this section is:

A summary of the problem and the objective of the investigation
A brief description of proposed actions

This section includes professional citations of books, articles, websites, etc. that were used during the investigation. References should be numbered. References should be cited in the report.


The appendix starts in a different page. The appendix might include:

Charts that support decision making
Any other information that support the report.
All information included in the appendix section needs to be referenced in the report. Each appendix should have a title and an appendix number.
