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Constitutional Law

Constitutional Law

Answer the following questions throughly- Additionally, answer the questions
separately- Each answer should be approximately 1 1/2 to 2 pages- May use outside
souces if needed-

Question 1:

Should private institutions be allowed to discriminate -not the moral question of
“ought” – but legally- Why or why not and to what extent would you qualify or give
exceptions to such limitations? How would (or even does) such a concept fit or not fit
with m: Constitutional principles of individual liberty, equality, and federalism? Give a
reasoned answer-

Question 2:

Is “affirmative action” as discussed in the Bakke v- Univ- of California, Grutter v-
Bollinger and Gratz v- Bollinger cases necessary to remedy past systemic racial
inequality? How does such a concept fit in with the Constitutional principles
mentioned in Question 1? Or how does it not? Give a reasoned answer-
