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Contextual Influences on User Satisfaction with Mobile Computing: Findings from Two Health Care Studies

Contextual Influences on User Satisfaction with Mobile Computing: Findings from Two Health Care Studies
MT8103 Analyzing Academic Writing 2016-09-14
Article Analysis: Using the ten basic claims (Ngwenyama, 2011) to conduct the analysis
1. The question(s) proposed by the researcher is relevant and persisting in the field of study
2. The theoretical framework or perspective is appropriate for investigating the question(s) the researcher is investigating
3. The research method and approach is appropriate for investigating the research question(s) given the theoretical framework or perspective of the research
4. The empirical situation appropriate for observing the phenomenon that the researcher is investigating
5. The researcher has demonstrated a command of the literature of the discipline in which the researcher is working
6. The researcher has demonstrated a command of the literature (backing) of the theoretical foundations (framework) upon which the research is based
7. The approach and method has been applied in a systematic manner and is documented to allow for replication or corroboration by other researchers
8. The results of the research make a contribution to the researcher’s field of study or discipline
9. The Thesis reflects communicative competence: it is carefully argued and written in a manner that is understandable to the scientific community.
10. The research has been conducted in an ethical manner; no part of the work has been plagiarized and all sources have been acknowledged.
MT8103 Analyzing Academic Writing 2016-09-14
Conceptual structure of analysis
Let’s be clear this is difficult work, but you have to learn how to do it. It is the first stage of learning write like a scientist.
You start with identifying claims and backing then search the evidence and warrants.
MT8103 Analyzing Academic Writing 2016-09-14
Claims analysis Steps:
Please understand that there are many more claims than the ten claims listed above. What is important of these ten claims is that these must be defended in any scientific writing if it is to stand up to scrutiny.
1. For each of the TEN claims you must:
1. Identify where the author makes the claim;
2. The specific evidence the author gives for the claim;
3. The warrant the author uses for arguing the claim;
4. The backing the author gives in support of the warrant.
For example (please analyze all 10 claims in this manner):
1. Identify the claim of the author makes that ‘the question is relevant and persisting’.
1. Identify the evidence upon which this claim is argued.
2. Identify the warrant upon which this claim is argued.
3. Identify the backing upon which this warrant stands.
2. Identify the claim that the theoretical framework is appropriate.
1. Identify the evidence upon which this claim is argued.
2. Identify the warrant upon which this claim is argued.
3. Identify the backing upon which this warrant stands.
II You must make judgements (analyze or rebut) the claim:
1. Is the claim well argued;
MT8103 Analyzing Academic Writing 2016-09-14
a. if not what flaws can you find in the author’s argument for the claim
2. Could the author have argued the claim in a better way?
III Please come prepared to defend your claims about the author’s work.
IV You must now state what type of contribution the authors are trying to make.
V You must now state what type of question the authors are investigating.
VI You must state how the authors are using the framework.
