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Home / Essays / Converting Conventional Banks into Islamic Banking System in the State of Kuwait

Converting Conventional Banks into Islamic Banking System in the State of Kuwait

Converting Conventional Banks into Islamic Banking System in the State of Kuwait
Write a research paper discussing the cases of converting conventional banks into Islamic system banks in the state of Kuwait.
1- examine the performance of Islamic and conventional banks in the Arabian gulf region in general and Kuwait in specific.
2- explore the reasons and elements leading to banks converting from conventional system to Islamic system in the Arabian countries.
3- discuss the strategies adopted in converting and the mechanisms used.
4- show the differences between conventional & Islamic banks
5- Show the cultural, social, religious origin leading to this conversions.
6- explore the requirements and obstacle related to the conversions.
7- meet with banking leaders to understand the reasons that led to making the conversion decision (Kuwait International Bank) and the strategy used.
8- examine if the Islamic banks possess the capabilities of other financial institutes in meeting the needs of customers and gain the required profits for its depositors.
9- the fundamental rules and pillars to the development of Islamic banking products and services.

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