Criminal Justice
Q1: What are 5 of the 6 fundamental duties of a law enforcement officer as given in the LE Code of Ethics?
Q2: List and describe the 5 basic guidelines for Family Disputes for a responding Field Officer as listed in the textbook.
B. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
E. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Q3: The author Gilmarten says around year 5 young officers develop an attitude, where they are suspicious of everyone and believe the future is bleak and that the public are acting out of self-interest which is called _____________.
Why does this occur? ____________________________________________________________________________________
Q4: According to Gilmarten, the hyper-vigilance rollercoaster has at least seven symptoms, They Are:
Q5: Why is training the “Police Brain” through repetition necessary? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Q6: According to MN Statute ________________, an officer can shoot when threatened by a person with a weapon who poses a credible threat.