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Critical analysis of state public health nutrition policy

Critical analysis of state public health nutrition policy
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Critical analysis of state public health nutrition policy
In the health sector, a ‘policy’ is broadly defined as a document or communication (eg. web pages) that guides practice. Policy documents can take the form of strategic plans describing programs or guidelines describing best practice, and can be expected to be evidence-based.
compare and contrast the state nutrition policies and programs of South Australia and Victoria, with respect to promotion of healthy eating. The scope of policy can include food and nutrition-related health promotion and prevention programs and activities, but precludes clinically-oriented dietetic programs (for example treatment of diabetes).
You should use the respective state department health websites (https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/Public+Content/SA+Health+Internet/Healthy+l iving/Healthy+eating and https://www2.health.vic.gov.au/public-health/preventivehealth/nutrition) and other sources to find out about their policy and programs.

Your analysis should address: (a) Description of policy and programs including currency of information about the programs (b) Description of structure of the policy and programs using frameworks such as: Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (WHO 1986); primary health care; socio-environmental versus bio-medical orientations; and, population versus individual orientations. You should define these frameworks in your paper. (c) Quality analysis of policy and programs against best practice principles. These can include primary health care and Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion frameworks as well as the writings of Hawkes et al (2015) and others on policy approaches to promote healthy eating (see resource list below). (d) Recommendations to improve state nutrition policies and programs.

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