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CT Pre- contrast an post-contrast CT and MRI

CT Pre- contrast an post-contrast CT and MRI.

all information’s that relating to this case especially the discussion and the file that will tell you the reasons why they used CT Pre- contrast an post-contrast CT and MRI. In addition, the tree method that they used to in this case. The biggest challenge how to able to organs in images. If you write from case report diagnosis and finding, try to paraphrase it and extend many information’s.
Assignment instructions:
1. Title
2. Introduction (20%)
• A critical literature review on the pathological condition (aetiology, pathogenesis and prognosis) and the body structures involved.
• Use the clinical history/ details provided to describe the case.
3. Imaging method (30%)
• Present the imaging tree in an orderly manner.
• Present critical findings of each imaging examination. Show representative images that facilitate the diagnosis of the pathological condition with clear labels of the abnormality and normal anatomy.
4. Discussion (50%)
• Identify the contributions of each imaging examination to the management of the patient. Justification of the use of imaging examinations according to the patient condition and pathology, imaging pathway, resources, radiation protection, etc.

The whole assignment is expected in maximum 2000 words. A severely short or long assignment implies superficial presentation or inadequate presentation. High quality academic writing style, including proper and effective use of subheadings, is encouraged. Writing and referencing skill will be assessed.

Draw the imaging tree of this case: add day for any CT OR MRI.

Example Structure how can you management images:

Figure 1:pre-contrast CT showing depressed fracture (arrow) of the parieto-occipital bone. A bone fragment and gas locule at the left transverse and sigmoid sinuses and subdural haemoeehage. (A) Axial, (b) coronal and (c) sagittal images.

C-sagittal —- (collect those 3 image like example above and can you add arrow)


Figure 2: Post-contrast CT showing left parito-occipital bone fracture. Slight increase in the volume of the left sided subdural haemorrhage. (a) Axial (b) coronal (c) sagittal
A-axial Post-contrast CT

c- Sagittal
Figure 3 MRI brain showing thrombosis of the left transverse and sigmoid sinus. There is a trace of extra axial haemorrhage and minor contusion. (a)T2-FL2D-Transvere (b) coronal-flair (c) T1-se- sagittal (d) TOF-fl2d-coronal MRV

1-Title: Left parieto-occipital bone fracture and subdural haemorrhage in children

Background about trauma in children you find on the lecture Neurological system with cite and references.
Aetiology, pathogenesis and prognosis: a- parieto-occipital bone fracture.
b- Subdural haemorrhage.
Write the reason Why you choice this case (example I am interesting for head trauma in children and this case I find challenge myself to collect information about it.
Use the clinical history/ details provided to describe the case: Aim the literature review on the case, e.g. patient’s age group, gender
• Details of the case (suggest the admission to hospital, the urgency of the case) the patient came to E D and they did Pre CT……
3-Imaging method:
• Present the imaging tree (I explain to you above)
• Present critical findings of each imaging examination. Show representative images that facilitate the diagnosis of the pathological condition with clear labels of the abnormality and normal anatomy. Explain the findings for all images in figure 1-2-3 and if the patients admission in the hospital. Connect between figure and paragraph. Example(( figure 2 showing plab….plab )
Identify the contributions of each imaging examination to the management of the patient. Justification of the use of imaging examinations according to the patient condition and pathology, imaging pathway, resources, radiation protection, etc. If you present pathology, try to connect between figure and paragraph. Example sentence in figure 1.
• Can you add some information from imaging method?
• Add advantages of all modalities (CT pre –CT POST –MRI, T1, T2, TOF, MRV: can you find this information’s in lecture. MRI you find book in lecture about all MR sequences (Totally Accessible MRI) Dr. Lipton
