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Economic Analysis

Economic Analysis

Please discuss the Inclusive Wealth Report (IWR).

United Nations University’s International Human Dimensions Programme, (UNU-IHDP) and United Nations Environment Programme ( UNEP), 2012. Inclusive Wealth Report 2012. Measuring progress toward sustainability. Summary for Decision-Makers. Bonn: UNU-IHDP.

Define Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the Human Development index in your own words. You may need to do a bit of research to define these.

Define Inclusive Wealth and its components. Why might GDP alone be insufficient to measure a nation’s progress?

Can you think of other possible indicators of a nation’s progress? Explain.

Discuss the practical application or implications of this report.

Be sure to proof read, spell and grammar check, write succinctly, and provide appropriate references using APA style.
