Design an AC-DC converter. Refer to Figure 4.22 for the block diagram and to the following pages for different rectifier circuits. To simplify the design we will not have the power transformer or voltage regulator. Therefore your job is to design the rectifier and filter. Here are the specifications:
•Input: AC voltage source of 8V peak at 60 Hz. Use “Vin?? Sin (0 8 60 0 0)” in your netlist, with the question marks replaced by your node names.
•Output: Average of at least 5V DC with a peak-to-peak output ripple of less than 200mV.
•Load: 100 ohm resistor
For the rectifier portion, you are allowed to use any of the circuits in the book (half-wave, full-wave, bridge).
However, you are only allowed to use diodes. For the diode model, use the D1N4148 model from the “sedra_lib.lib” file, which I have copied below. Please put this directly in your file so it simulates without any external files:
.model D1N4148 D (Is=2.682n N=1.836 Rs=.5664 Ikf=44.17m Xti=3 Eg=1.11 Cjo=4p
+ M=.3333 Vj=.5 Fc=.5 Isr=1.565n Nr=2 Bv=100 Ibv=100u Tt=11.54n)
For the filter you are allowed the following components:
•One capacitor of maximum value 1000uF
•One inductor of maximum value 22uH
•Any number of resistors of any value
Your goal is to minimize the ripple of the output voltage, but the average value of the output must stay above
5V. the output can dip below 5V but the average must stay above 5V. To run your circuit use the following analysis command:
.tran 100us 300ms 200ms 100us
This will skip 200ms so that the output can stabilize. If you want to see what the circuit does as soon as you apply power, then change the 200ms to 0.
The report format and grade breakdown is as follows:
•Cover Page: 5 Points
•SPICE netlist of the final circuit, including the model statement for the diode: 15 Points.
•Hand drawn schematic of the final circuit: 15 points
?All elements labeled: 5 Points
?All values given: 5 Points
?All nodes labeled as in your Spice Netlist: 5 Points
•Graph of the voltages at the source, output of rectifier proper, and output of filter (at load) with labels:
10 points
?Voltage at source: 3 Points
?Output of the rectifier: 3 Points
?Output of filter (at load): 4 Points
•Performance Analysis:
?Is the average output voltage greater than 5V? 15 Points
To measure this I will graph AVG (V (OUT)) and look at its final value. If the value is less than 5V you will lose points proportionately.
?Is the output ripple less than 200mV? 15 Points
To measure this I will graph ABS (V (OUT)-AVG (V (OUT))) and look at its highest value after it stabilizes. If the value is greater than 200mV you will lose points proportionately.
If you get the output ripple below 125mV while maintaining the output voltage above 5V, you get 10 bonus points.
?Explain in a few sentences how the rectifier works and why you chose that configuration. 10 Points.
If the explanation is incomplete then you will be awarded only partial points based on the explanation provided.
?Explain how you designed the filter. 15 Points