Empire City: New York Through the Centuries, Urban Crisis
Urban Crisis Questions
1. How did the process of deindustrialization affect African Americans and other minorities in New York City? What were the long-term effects of these changes on the neighborhoods of New York?
Ans: blah
2. How did the rise of the civil rights movement across the country reshape relations between races and ethnic groups in New York? Why was the Ocean Hill-Brownsville conflict so painful to both sides?
Ans: blah
3. How did the rise of more nationalistic politics—Malcolm X or the Young Lords, for instance—change the movement for equality in New York City? How were their demands different from earlier calls for equality and civil rights?
Ans: blah
4. What does the outbreak of riots in Newark say about poverty and race relations? What do you see in these images? Why did people participate in these uprisings?
Ans: blah
5. What is Baldwin’s perspective on how Harlem has changed? Does he think that Harlem and other slums can be improved? What is Baldwin’s perspective on urban riots? What does this violence represent?
Ans: blah
6. Contrast the The Second Regional Plan (1968) with The Graphic Regional Plan of 1929 (p. 555). What are the goals of the two plans? How are the visions of the city and region different? Looking at New York City today do you think the area has fulfilled this 1968 plan?
Ans: blah