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entrepreneurial attributes and selection of an entrepreneurial opportunity to pursue

Please read this carefully.

Length (Total: 3600 words)
Part a) 1,200 words entrepreneurial attributes and selection of an entrepreneurial opportunity to pursue . (Section (a) must have its own table of content)
Part b) 2,400 words business plan for pursuit of selected entrepreneurial opportunity
In both cases, the relevant word count excludes tables, charts, diagrams, references & appendices. Further, +/- 10% on word count is acceptable. (Section (b) must have its own table of content. See PPT file name: Wk3-C-ch9-Commercialising Opportunities for a suggested table of content. You may add more section. Don’t stick to what is written in the PPT file)
Please segregate the two sections by a blank page

Requirements and details:
Part a) Entrepreneurial attributes and selection of an entrepreneurial opportunity to pursue (25% of course)
With reference to models, concepts and tools about entrepreneurship
(Included in course materials or separately researched), perform a self-analysis in relation to your personal attributes which you believe are a help or a hindrance to your being, or becoming, an entrepreneur. (12.5% of course)
In considering your personal attributes, your work preferences and other relevant personal goals, provide a set of weighted criteria to evaluate and weight at least 3 realistic opportunities that you would be interested in pursuing, using them to help you identify the most suitable one. (12.5% of course) You must mention all the 3 opportunities and evaluate them in the assignment. You should link your personality assessment to this evaluation. (Please see attached files and notes at the end for details on tools to do the evaluation)

Part b) Business plan for pursuit of selected entrepreneurial opportunity (50% of course) – don’t be narrative in the section. This is a business plan so it has to be practical.
Provide a professionally produced business plan (one that might be suitable for raising finance for instance) for your selected business opportunity. The plan should include:
– Title & contents pages along with an executive summary
– Background/Introduction/SMART objectives for the opportunity
– Realisation of the opportunity in the context of its external environment (macro environmental context, market dynamics, competitors, customer analyses & identified gap)
– Realisation of the opportunity in the context of its internal environment (structure, culture, resources and capabilities in place or to be established by the plan)
– Quantification of projected results in terms of a cash flow forecast.
– Appendices to include any relevant supporting documents that evidence research, analyses and so on. That can include also any secondary data to support your decision.
Typed in Microsoft word using Arial 12 point font with 1.5 line spacing and it should be clear, concise, courteous & correct as a communication.
Around 8 – 12 references. No references older than 6 years. APA 6th edition. If you use the tools provided for self-assessment and evaluation etc you have to reference them and mention them as “The course tools”
Check file: Wk4-C-ch11-Strategic entrepreneurial growth to go more in depth in making the plan and to talk about strategy.
Attached additional files to help you to do the self-assessment. You must use at least two self-assessments. Also, other documents attached to help you to evaluate the business opportunities. You must add all these files after you use them in the appendix to proof that you use these tools. Attached many PPT files to help to understand what entrepreneurship is about. You need to read through them and do you own research. Business Concept Feasibility Assessment Word doc is very helpful.
Xle sheet for the budget and finical analysis is useful too. You must work on profit and loss statement and cash flow sheet and you need to make lots of assumptions.

Entrepreneurship ideas (You may use your own as well. This is only a help from me to you)

– In door Airsoft game business in Saudi Arabia. Weather in Saudi is very hot so people can’t do many outdoor activities. In door activities are popular. There no similar in door activities to Airsoft in Saudi. However, there is some Paintball but it’s outdoor and it’s not big. You may build more on this idea and develop further.
– App for Towing in Saudi Arabia. Similar to Uber but for towing service. You may think of Saudi as a market for this app as well because towing service is not so regulated and most of them are run by individuals. This app can also have more features like fix tyres, help with batteries failures etc.

– Billboard that can turn into a bed. Use your imagination to develop this idea. Think of busy airports and far train station. You may design a billboard that can turn into a bed for travellers in busy airports either for free or for little many (Payment viz coins). In train stations in rural areas some travellers arrive late and may need a place to sleep for a few hours. In some countries, the government may consider this idea to use in poor areas or where homeless people stay. It can help the poor to have a better quality of sleep. (Check this website http://popupcity.net/billboards-double-as-road-side-beds-for-pakistans-homeless/ )

The business idea should link somehow to your personality as entrepreneur. Make sure to highlight this point in the assignment according to the self-assessment. You should also write about your personal attribute that helps you to be an entrepreneur.

You need to think of the value of the business. It is not necessary to be totally new or unique BUT it must add value to the market you will be launching it in.

Avoid descriptive writing. Use practical business plan in the section (b). Deal with this as it’s a serious business. Please read all the PPT files. You may use the concepts in the PPT files and do your own research find more references. The PPT files has details of some of sections to make it easier for you. Let me know if you have any questions.

