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Paper 1 Assignment

In this unit, we are examining arguments about current topics in human rights, science and technology, and the environment. You need to find a topic that is currently under debate in one of these areas, and take a position.

To find a topic of interest if one does not immediately spring to mind, go to the library home page and click on the link to Research Databases. There you will find a list that includes Current Issues. Select the third link in that list, Issues and Controversies. There you will see the current topics divided by category. Find a topic under the links to Race, Rights and Liberties, Science and Technology or Energy and Environment. Note: I will not read or grade any papers on abortion, gun control, the death penalty, or euthanasia.

In this second paper of 1200-1500 words, you will write an argument that persuades your reader to adopt your conclusions about the topic you have chosen. Your paper must explain and rebut the conclusions of those with whom you disagree.

This paper requires research. You will need a minimum of five (5) secondary sources from reputable sources, specifically peer-reviewed scholarly books and/or articles accessed through the library databases. (Do not do general google searches!) Remember, however, that you are not simply writing a report about two different sides. You must make your own thesis and draw your own conclusions from the evidence you find. You will have to begin your research with an open mind.

You must begin with an introduction that ends with an overtly stated thesis statement that makes both sides of the argument clear. Follow the model in your ?Understanding Argument? handout. You should introduce your thesis by explaining the importance and relevance of the argument; make your reader care about the subject! You must have a multi-paragraph developmental section that first fairly describes your opponents? position and then rebuts it point by point, conceding points when necessary. You will need to analyze the argument of your opponents? position. Include any additional compelling reasons to agree with your argument. You must also choose the appropriate means of persuasion and rhetorical strategies to support your position. End your paper with a conclusion that convinces your reader that your judgment on this topic is most worthy of adoption and/or action. (Use the handout ?Organizing a Formal Argument? to help you brainstorm and organize.)

Be sure to take advantage of the Thesis/Outline check and the Works Cited check and review my comments on returned documents carefully. If you are getting off track, this is the first place where errors can be detected.

You must write in the third person (no ?I? or ?you?). All papers must be word-processed, double spaced from top to bottom, and include the appropriate heading and headers. Use a one-inch margin and a 12-point Times New Roman font. You must have an original titles.

Use the handout ?Writing Workshops,? which contains detailed instructions about how to proofread and edit your paper, with sections dedicated to each part of the grading rubric. You need to revise and edit your papers through several drafts, so don?t wait until the last minute to begin writing. Proofread and edit a printed copy of your work. You can?t catch your errors if you are trying to proofread on the screen.

When you submit your paper:

Submit a digital copy of your paper to the D2L drop box. Remember that all digital submissions are scanned by Turnitin.com. Use your last name as the first word in your file name: Wilson Paper 1.

How to fail this assignment:

Papers submitted in formats other than .docx and .rtf can?t be opened and will receive a zero.

Papers that do not address the assigned topic will receive a zero.

Papers that are so poorly proofread and edited that they are nonsensical or indecipherable will receive a zero.

Papers that contain plagiarism will receive a zero, and the author will receive an F in the course; no additional work will be accepted from this student, and s/he will be reported to the dean for disciplinary action.
