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you can write about a print advertisement or commercial on tv or online.the paper’s thesis should center on the ad’s effectivness in persuasion:what about it makes persuasive or unpersuasive?you must choose between analyzing its success or its failure.you cannot analyze both .in support of thesis ,analyze the ad’s use of the methorical appeals (ethos,,pathos,and logos)and explain how each one in used effectively or ineffectively.you may use first person :”I/me”
along with the grading rubric,I will consider the following when assessing you essay.
1-does the essay focus on a single advertisement (print or video)?
2-how clear is your purpose in writing the analysis ?does the purpose cover either the ad’s success or failure but not both.
3-how well do you support your analysis through the uses detail?
4-Do you analyze both the ad’s text and context.
