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expository essay

expository essay
3-4 pages
APA format
Citations must be used throughout the entire essay
Points will be deducted for spelling/grammatical errors, typos, and APA format errors
Essays will be assessed using the Dialogues of Learning written communication rubric
The final copy of the paper must be submitted to Canvas
You will discuss a controversial social or political issue relevant to modern American society (e.g., gun control, abortion rights, healthcare). You must discuss how someone at each of the 3 main stages of Kohlberg’s theory would support one side of the issue.

You will reference at least three sources from Lynn’s Points of View database or the Opposing Viewpoints database, at least one of which must be peer-reviewed. This paper will be written in scientific style, with no personal opinion, in third-person format. You may use a maximum of one direct quotation; all remaining information must be paraphrased (i.e., interpreted in student’s own words). Any piece of information obtained from another source must be properly cited, even if it is not a direct quotation. You must include an introductory paragraph with a topic (thesis) sentence, appropriate transitions, a concluding paragraph, and reference page. You must have at least 4 citations in this paper (Chapter 2 of the iBook, and three sources (one peer-reviewed) from the Lynn library database).
