Home / Essays / Field Project: Analysis of an Issue Impacting District’s Focus on Learning (100 points)

Field Project: Analysis of an Issue Impacting District’s Focus on Learning (100 points)

(ELCC Standards 1.3, 4.1, 6.3)
APA information can be found at the following site; in particular, pay attention to the sample paper. https://owl.english.purdue.edu/media/pdf/20090212013008_560.pdf

Use the following APA format:
Title Page
(Centered in regular font)
(Use Times New Roman pt.12 through the paper.)
(Provide header in accordance with APA guidelines.)

(Do not provide an abstract as required by APA.)

First page of the paper
Title of the Paper
(Centered in regular font; start page numbering.)

Research Question(s)
(Center and use bold font)
Identify an authentic problem that is affecting or that might affect the district’s instructional programs positively or negatively. Then devise a research
question(s), explain the significance of the question(s) (i.e. why the question(s) was chosen, why it is important).

Literature Review
(Center and use bold font)
Remember to cite sources using APA style.

Research Methods
(Center and use bold font)
(a) Who were interviewed regarding the research question? Categories or titles – not names should be utilized. In an appendix, provide the set of interview questions
utilized. (See APA for the appendix format. Note: Interviews are required for this project.
(b) If you also used a survey instrument to collect data, provide the survey in an appendix.
Reference other data sources that might you might have mined. Student achievement scores, student attendance rates, ACSIP materials, etc.
(c) Explain the statistical methods to be utilized to yield findings (i.e. measures of central tendency such as means, modes, medians, and interviews).

(Center and use bold font)

What data/facts did you obtain? For interview/qualitative data, you should provide each question asked and how each was answered by each person interviewed. Use
tables to report quantitative data.

(Center and use bold font)

What are the conclusions that you make based on the data?

(Center and use bold font)

What actions do you recommend to address the problem explored in this study?

(Center and use bold font)

Use APA style, cite sources utilized in the paper.

Use APA style.


(Phase I) Pick one problem that you consider to have the most potential (positive or negative) for contributing to and/or interfering with the district’s
focus on learning. It’s imperative that the problem you select impacts the focus on learning. Based on that problem, devised the research question(s) that you wish to
answer via your research.

(Phase II) Explain this assignment to your principal and/or an official in the district
office. You need their cooperation and authorization to complete this assignment. If such
authorization is not forthcoming, contact your professor.

(Phase III) In light of the questions that you are seeking to answer, research the problem in the professional literature. In other words, what have other
researchers discovered regarding this problem?

Some past examples of problems are as follows: Teacher Evaluation, Teacher Morale, Professional Development, Curriculum Alignment, Reducing Drop-Out Rate,
Retaining Quality Teachers, etc. These are just some ideas of issues that have been addressed. But don’t let them lock you in to what you might do. Be creative and
help YOUR district with a real, live problem.

(Phase IV) To answer the research question(s) that you have posed, gather data via interviews of appropriate individuals or a focus group(s) (e.g.,
administrators, teachers, school board members, parents, students, community members, etc.). As noted above, you may also use surveys and other data sources in
addition to interviews.

(Phase V) Prepare a written report suitable for presentation to the School Board. The 6-to-8 page report should include the components noted above. In addition
to this set of directions, use the rubric for this assignment to guide your writing.

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