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Final Personal Reflection Assignment

Final Personal Reflection Assignment

Week1 #1
Process of effective behavior becoming a taken-for-granted assumption: Uber, USA, considers leadership as an important factor for increased output in organizational setting. It emphasizes on creating groups under one head who is both responsible for group performance. Leadership was earlier considered as an effective behavior to condition the workforce and derive standard performance, but as seen in Uber, leadership is assumed to show higher performance in the group and there is no room for faltering.
Week1 #2
Reality has been defined by Schein (2010) as the assumptions that groups and individuals develop on the basis of external adaptation and internal integration. He goes on to explain that different societies have different underlying set of assumptions that they consider real. This has been identified as the most serious problem for cross nationality mergers and acquisitions. While determination of truth has various approaches to it like dogma, dichotomy or pragmatism.
I believe pragmatism is the most compelling criteria for determination of what truth is and what is false. I have selected the given basis after careful evaluation of the other approaches and believe this approach best suits my perception. Truth defined by logic and scientific research should be accepted. In an organization, this method has pivotal relevance as corporate world is nothing but accumulation of studies derived from surveys, research, evaluation, statistics, analysis and more. According to my perception, organizational proceedings should have a certain degree of observational approach to it.
From my personal experience, I can conclude that when a survey establishes a certain finding, it is more practical to believe it than believe the word of a manager at a higher position according to dogma approach. With the support of logical analyzing tools like ratios and statistics, I find it much easier to believe in the statement.

Schein, Edgar H. Organizational Culture and Leadership. 4th ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2010. Print.
Week2 #1
It was a culture of the bank to always put their clients’ interests first, a head of making profits and any other interests a banking organization can have. This at times would pose grave challenges as the global economy and the consumer finance culture were always in oscillations; guaranteeing both good times and bad times for banking businesses. There was this time when the banks in America were charging onerous banking fees coupled with high interest rates on debts. Customers to these banks in these times could do nothing much about their predicament as all was attributed to the economy and thus lost little extra amounts in their dealings with the banks.
Having work as an understudy in a bank where the culture demanded that the interests of customers be considered first before even before the bank could think of profits, this influenced the bank manager in devising a means through which the customers interests would be well taken care of in such times while the bank remains profitable. He thus decided to formulate a new way through which the customers to the bank would make savings by contributing little sums periodically to a common pool that would secure them against hard economic times and also guarantee loans on fixed rates with the banking fees agreed upon between the bank and the customers.
The bank witnessed more savings from the customers and even attracted a host of new customers who were pleased with the saving program and the interest’s rates charged on loans by the bank. The bank also got finances to engage in other businesses, which made it more profitable. Were it not for the strong culture that existed within the organization, the bank manager would have opted to hike interest rates and banking fees just to gain profits rather than adducing a plan through which the interests of the customers would be taken care first and profitability guaranteed later.
Leaders being driven by the organization culture and not always trying to create a culture within an organization has positive impacts on an organization. First, it is easier to create belief in the employees that together, there is commitment towards a common goal. The impact of this is that there will be quality services offered to the customers incase of a service oriented organization and the dedication by the employees will serve a great deal to beating competition from any possible competitors. An organizational culture defines an organization and those who are in it, if this defines the leaders of such organizations; then there is unity of purpose, which serve to benefit the organization.
Further, in leadership driven by organizational culture, it is easier to take risks. In the case study provided, offering chances for savings by customers of the bank was a huge risk as it was not known at the time whether customers will take up the opportunity while the bank was likely to make losses from its banking activity. However, the confidence that doing the same had the backing of the organization’s culture and thus the support of the employees, it was easy to take the risk and it brought huge rewards to the bank and even greater fulfilment to the employees.
Week2 #2
Benefits:It is true those hybrids are people who have fresh ideas and do think outside the box most often. Promoting hybrids to leadership position successfully leads to the application of cultural principles to achieve their goals or rather objectives and missions in a broader perspective. Also, we find that in the present the workforce does respond to a leader who is empowered, open, strategic, nurturing, authentic and visionary. All these stated and more other leadership characteristics are found in hybrid Leadership style. Incorporating all these aspects together, we find that the workforce will be willing and ready to respond to their leaders as well as taking in their duties with the best approach so far that would lead to what we term as growth and development of organizations in the long run.
Potential Limitations: It is also evidenced that when companies implement a hybrid leadership strategy, there is the creation of more sources of competitive advantage than companies or rather organizations that do not put into account the aspect of “hybrid leadership”. On one hand we find that “hybrid” promotion to leadership position has some limitations to small organizations as compared to larger organizations that create more sources of competitive advantages. The other limitation that accrues from this kind of leadership is being criticized based on traditional models of leadership, therefore, to give an explanation of how an individuals’ hybrid leadership works becomes critical before it gets too much to negativity.
Guidelines on Final Personal Reflection
In this final, individual assignment, please reflect upon the totality of the course materials, from the text to the Ted Talks, the Discussion Boards, and other experiences. Consider the previous assignments. Consider the team dynamics of your group project. Seek to synthesize the entire experience of examining culture and leadership in a coherent manner, seeking to make meaning and to extract essential themes.

If you have work experience, you are encouraged to integrate those experiences into this course, in terms of what you have learned about culture and leadership. In this regard, connect “theory” with “practice” as you bring these worlds together in a way that your studies are informing your personal and professional development.
Thus, you may wish to consider the following framework or methodology:
What have been the learnings from this course? What have been the overarching themes with the most resonance to me? What new insights have I derived over the last five-plus weeks that have either confirmed (validated, supported) or disconfirmed (contradicted, challenged) notions and beliefs I may have held at the beginning of the course? What are my thoughts (cognitive) and feelings (affective) about culture and leadership and their interrelationship as I approach the end of the course?
Fundamentally, what have I learned from this course? And, finally, how might I concretely and specifically take that learning forward as an evolving professional and/or leader?
Approximate length: 4-8 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman, size 12. The range is broad because personal reflections are just that, personal. Therefore, I wish to give you the latitude to present your reflection in a manner that is authentic and of a length that is not prescribed but rather reflects a paper that you have ownership of.
However, at the very least, I believe that any sound reflection must seek to find the
(1) Core themes that resonated the most such that they will most likely have an enduring impact upon you as a professional operating in the organizational world.
(2) Meaningful reflection always addresses some aspects of learning – new insights at a conceptual level, new ideas about application, new elements of how one’s skills can be enhanced and new skills being discovered.
(3) Finally, a hallmark of being a reflective practitioner is the wisdom and ability to apply that learning into future professional development and actions in the work-world.

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