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G6PD deficiency and Cancer

G6PD deficiency and Cancer
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want to start my lab research work for my PhD degree. my supervisor has given me a general topic which is about : G6PD deficiency and cancer.
she suggested that I can continue what another colleague have started in his master degree( I will upload his manuscript that has not been accepted yet to be puplichied in a paper)
my project should be a small project that can be achived in 2 years and at the same time should be strong and outstanding enough to publish a strong paper . I should write 2 different staudy plans : Study plan A, and Study plan B. In other words , I should write 2 approaches to my project and the supervisor will pickup the most appropiate 1 that suits the team research requirments and based on this study plan,I will start my lab work. each study plan must contain a description of what the research is going to be about, write a general protocol that uses modern technologies/lab instruments + methodology.I should mention also if I will be using certain animal model or not, and how I am going to use it.

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