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Gender and Love

Gender and Love

Group Presentations: Students will form into groups of 7 each and prepare a Power Point presentation on one of the topics as listed in the syllabus. Students will need to research at least 5 scholarly literature from psychology of gender journal articles/books/chapters (not popular press) that they find relevant to the topic and present the information to the class. The research must include at least 1 research article that involves an experiment. You may use your textbook or an article we read for class as one of those references. Presentations will be performed at the beginning of class. You will be graded on the degree to which you apply research and theory from psychology of gender and your professionalism. Your presentation must demonstrate your comprehension of these references and your ability to apply the scholarly and research information to your topic. The presentation and articles used must be cohesive. Each group will present the talking portion for 40 minutes (please time yourselves). The discussion portion may be up to 20 minutes. Presentations should consist of two pieces:

1. A one page outline to hand out to the class that includes:

a. All group member names and which section each member is responsible for

b. All main points of the PowerPoint presentation

c. Citations for all articles included (APA style)

2. A PowerPoint presentation to be emailed to me prior to class (11am) that includes:

a. Information explaining the articles chosen

b. How this article deepens your understanding of the concept presented

c. What you find personally interesting about this article

d. Three thoughtful, relevant questions to prompt class discussion

The group presentations are graded individually based on the criteria on the sheet attached. Additionally, as part of your individual grades, you will be asked to anonymously evaluate one another’s participation in preparing for the presentations. Your evaluations are to be turned in at the end of class on the day of your presentation.
