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1) Based on principles discussed earlier in the course, you know that if Earth’s axial tilt were to decrease from 23.5
degrees to 21.5 degrees
A) winters would become colder.
B) summers would become hotter.
C) seasonal temperatures would become less extreme.
D) temperatures would not change at all from season to season.
2) A genetic classification system can be based on, among other factors, ________.
A) the interaction of air masses
B) statistics or other data used to determine general categories
C) mean annual temperature
D) mean annual precipitation
Use the climograph ( figure 1) below to answer the next 3 questions.
3) What is the climate type illustrated in the graph?
A) Tropical Monsoon
B) Midlatitude cold desert
C) subtropical hot desert
D) subtropical hot steppe
4) Which of the following dominates this stations climate during periods of heavy rainfall?
B) frontal storms
C) subtropical high
D) mp airmasses
5) When does this station receive its warmest temperatures?
A) during this stations winter
B) during this stations summer
C) bi-modal temperature maximum just after the equinoxes
D) none of the above
Figure 1.
Figure 2.
6) The climate shown above (figure 2) represents this type of climate using the Köppen-Geiger system.
A) Af
B) Bsk
C) Aw
D) Am
7) Which latitudinal region is this station found in?
A) Polar
B) Subtropical
C) Tropical
D) Mid-latitude
8) What accounts for two different temperature maximums at this station?
A) monsoon winds
B) the sun is directly overhead twice a year-the hottest times
C) evapotranspiration
D) build up of greenhouse gases
Figure 3.
Use figure 3 to answer the following questions.
9) Which hemisphere is this station located in?
A) Northern
B) Southern
C) Eastern
D) Impossible to tell with the information provided
10) What is the Köppen climate classification symbol for this station?
A) Cfa
B) BWk
C) Dwb
D) Af
11) As far as latitude region is concerned-this station falls in:
A) sub-tropical
B) mid latitude
C) polar
D) equatorial
12) What is the most important feature of this climate?
B) subtropical high
C) leeward location
D) latitude
13) Which lifting mechanism accounts for the summer precipitation?
A) Frontal
B) Convection
C) Convergence
D) A and C are possible mechanisms
E) A and B are possible mechanisms
14) The water in a confined aquifer is under pressure of its own weight, creating a pressure level called the
A) artesian water level.
B) aquifer recharge force.
C) potentiometric surface.
D) water table.
Figure 4.
Use figure 4 to answer the following questions
15) What is the climate type?
A) Humid subtropical hot summer
B) Mediterranean Dry Summer
C) Tropical/subtropical hot desert
D) Humid subtropical winter dry climate
16) What is the Köppen symbol for this climate?
A) Csb
B) Cfa
C) BWh
D) Dwd
17) Characterize the precipitation received as a function of sun angle.
A) The highest precipitation is received during the period of highest sun angle
B) The lowest precipitation is received during the highest sun angle.
C) The lowest sun angle yields the highest precipitation
D) All of the above
E) Although not entirely true, B and C come closest to explain the function
18) Given the temperature curve of figure 4, this station is located in:
A) polar region
B) equatorial regions
C) sub-tropics
D) mid-latitude
19) The glacial outburst floods characteristic of the Missoula/Spokane floods are also known by the Icelandic term:
A) hausenphier
B) jökulhlaups
C) Bjorking
D) Reykjaviking
Figure 5.
Use figure 5 to answer questions 20-24.
20) The Köppen symbol for this climate is:
A) Csb
B) Cfa
C) BWk
D) Dfd
21) The dry conditions are caused by:
A) windward effect
B) influence of the subtropical high
C) influence of the subpolar low
D) A and B
22) The precipitation maximum comes during the period of high sun angle and is caused by:
A) The subtropical high
B) convection
C) Cyclonic storms
D) downslope effect
23) How would you describe the precipitation total received at this station?
A) Adequate for dry land farming
B) Inadequate for dry land farming you need to irrigate for growing crops
24) In North America the most likely location for this climate is:
A) Southeast Alaska to Eastern British Columbia
B) Central Nebraska to Eastern Illinois
C) Coastal California
D) Utah-Arizona border extending into New Mexico
25) The Man who provided the source of the water for the Missoula/Spokane floods was:
A) A. M. Flint
B) J. H Bretz
C) J. T. Pardee
D) Jay Z
26) Where does North America’s largest usable supply of water exist?
A) groundwater.
B) ice sheets and glaciers.
C) stream discharge.
D) soil moisture.
27) The coastal region of the Pacific Northwest region of the U.S. is a moist environment because of
A) the effect of maritime air masses.
B) the presence of mountains.
C) the predominant direction the winds blow at that latitude (about 45 to 50 degrees north).
D) all of the above
E) A and B only
28) Which of the following is an example of the consumptive use of water?
A) water that evaporates from an irrigated field
B) hydroelectric power production
C) using water for a bath
D) river navigation
E) all of these
29) According to the video-the Missoula floods occurred:
A) 500,000 to 1, 000,000 years ago
B) 50,000 to 100,000 years ago
C) 12,000 to 18,000 years ago
D) During the intense volcanism that laid down the Columbia River Basalt group traps.
Use figure 6 for the following.
Figure 6:
30) The temperature maximum occurs:
A) During this stations low sun angle
B) During this stations high sun angle
C) During this stations spring and fall
D) The curve indicates that there is not much change in the temperature over the course of the year.
31) The stable (though moderate) precipitation indicates that that region is probably greatly influenced by:
A) Subtropical high pressure
B) mP airmasses
D) seasonal reversal of winds ( monsoon effects)
32) This graph represents which of these following climates?
A. Tropical rain forest
B) Humid subtropical
C) Humid continental
D) Marine west coast
33) What is the Köppen symbol for this climate type?
A) Cfa
B) BWk
C) Cfb
D) Csb
34) Other places in the Northern hemisphere that these climates (figure 6) can be found include:
A) The gulf coast of the United States
B) The Pacific Northwest coast
C) Areas on the west slope of the Appalachian Mountains in the United States
D) All of the above
E) B and C
35) The man who coined the term “Channeled Scablands” was?
A) A. M. Flint
B) J. H Bretz
C) J. T. Pardee
D) J. F. Kennedy
36) Transpiration refers to
A) the movement of free water molecules away from a wet surface.
B) the outward movement of water from plant leaves.
C) an amount of moisture loss from the surface that cannot be measured.
D) evaporation.
37) The term “cone of depression” refers to
A) the point where your reality meets this class
B) a depression in the water table formed by rapid ground water withdrawal.
C) a depression in Earth’s surface formed by ground water withdrawal.
D) a graphical representation of the decline in the rate of ground water flow as an aquifer dries out.
38) Which of the following is not one of the six basic climate categories listed in the text?
A) Torrid
B) Tropical
C) Mesothermal
D) Desert
E) Highland
39) Associate the plant type with the BWh climate type
A) taiga
B) boreal forests
C) xerophytic
D) chaparral
40) Which of the following would decrease the rate at which evapotranspiration occurs?
A) increased temperatures
B) increased wind speed
C) increased humidity
D) increased water availability
41) These climates can be thought of as being cold and dry.
A) subtropical latitudes.
B) humid continental climates that have mild summers.
C) polar climates.
D) Highland regions that have cool summers.
Use figure 7 to answer the following.
Figure 7:
42) The temperature range illustrated in figure 7 is:
A) moderate
B) mild
C) extreme
D) large
43) Given the range of temperatures over a tropical year what would be your best guess about the degree of
continentality of this station?
A) It is fairly low
B) It is high
C) It is right on the coast
D) You cannot tell from this graph
44) The characteristic vegetation associated with this climate is:
A) there is no vegetation it is an ice sheet
B) tundra
C) Taiga, boreal forest
D) chaparral
45) The climate type is:
A) Polar
B) Tundra
C) Subarctic
D) Highland
46) The precipitation is very low with a summer maximum; this would lead you to suspect this as the lifting
A) convergence
B) orographic
C) frontal
D) convection
47) The Köppen symbol for this climate is: (figure 7)
A) Dfb
B) Dwd
C) Dfa
D) Bsk
48) Which of the following would make the best aquifer?
A) uncemented, loosely compacted clay
B) cemented sand that was highly compacted
C) uncemented sand that is loosely compacted
D) cemented gravel that was loosely compacted at the time of cementation
49) The point between the zone of aeration and the zone of saturation is known as the
A) water table.
B) saturation contact.
C) influent line.
D) aquiclude.
50) Based on principles discussed earlier in the course, you know that the annual temperature range of places located
in the interior of a continent is ________ those located along the coast at the same latitude.
A) greater than
B) less than
C) the same as
51) In which of the following areas would the least amount of precipitation occur?
A) in areas affected by maritime air masses
B) along windward coasts
C) in low-pressure regions
D) on the leeward side of a mountain range in the interior of a continent.
Figure 8. Use figure 8 to answer questions 52-56.
Figure 8:
52) What month accounts for the greatest average precipitation?
A) January
B) June
C) September
D) August
53) The climate name for this station is:
A) Humid Continental-Hot Summer
B) Humid Continental-Mild Summer
C) Subarctic Cold Winter
D) Mid-Latitude Cold Steppe
54) The wind belt this station is located in is:
A) Southeast Trades
B) Northeast Trades
C) Westerly
D. Polar Easterly
55) Which of the lifting mechanisms accounts for most of the precipitation received at this station?
A) Convergent,
B) Convectional
C) Frontal
D) Orographic
56) Which air masses would be the most important deciding factors in the climate of this station?
A) cT, cP
B) mT, cP
C) A, cP
D) mT, cT
57) When water freezes, it ___________heat energy and _____________ the surrounding air.
A) absorbs, cools
B) absorbs; heats
C) releases; cools
D) releases; heats
58) Air masses that develop in the Bermuda High are examples of ________ air masses.
A) mT
B) mP
C) cT
D) cP
59) The air temperature, specific humidity, relative humidity of the afore mentioned air mass in winter is:
A) Cool/ cold, moderate, high,
B) Cold, high, low,
C) Cold, low, high,
D) Hot, high, high,
60) The uneven distribution of insolation by latitude is primarily a result of
A) variability in the Sun’s output.
B) the changing distance of Earth from the Sun.
C) variation in the value of a watt.
D) Earth’s sphericity, which presents varied angles to parallel solar rays.
Figure 9.
The line superimposed on the PRECIP graph represents POTET on the climographs.
61) According to figure 9 the number of months that show POTET > PRECIP is:
A) 12
B) 6
C) 8
D) 0
63) The high sun angle precipitation indicates that this station receives this type of lifting during the summer.
A) frontal
B) convectional
C) orographic
D) stereographic
64) This Station experiences this type of precipitation in the winter.
A) convectional
B) orographic
C) frontal
D) sterographic
65) Characterize the POTET over the course of the year.
A) high summer, low winter
B) fairly even year round
C) low summer, high winter
D) bi-modal showing the greatest values for fall and spring (the equinoxes)
66) The Köppen-Geiger climate type for this station is:
A) BWk
B) Cfa
C) Csa
D) Dfa
Figure 10:
Use Figure 10 for the remaining questions:
67) What is the Köppen-Geiger climate symbol for the station represented in figure 10?
A) Dwc
B) Cfa
C) Bsk
D) Cfb
68) Which air masses are most responsible for this climate?
A) mT,
B) mP,
C) cT,
D) E,
69) This station is in the:
A) North East Trades
B) The Polar Easterlies
C) The South East Trades
D) The Western Wind Belt
70) You have provided the Köppen-Geiger climate symbol for this Station; now provide the
name of the climate for station 10.
A) Humid Sub-Tropical
B) Tropical Savanna
C) Marine West Coast
D) Midlatitude Cold Steppe
