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global health

global health
Now I want you to reflect on three other questions. Feel free to draw upon anything you have heard, read or seen about global health during the semester. You are limited to three pages, double-spaced so collect and organize your thoughts carefully before putting them on paper.
“Are the global health problems we have learned about hopeless?” Why or why not? (Just as a background some of the diseases that we discussed include malaria, HIV/AIDS, micro bacterium tuberculosis or TB, diarrheal diseases, maternal morbidity and maternity, poverty, Sexually transmitted diseases/ infections, ALSO health equity in terms of gender and income)
“What needs to be done to educate people in the developed world about the plight of those in the developing world?”
“What can you as an individual do to help address these enormous challenges?”

*** In general this is more of a reflection question. It is the written part of a final exam.
