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Grade Descriptors—Essays

Addressing the Task
Identifies and addresses clearly the main question(s) and the subsidiary, embedded, or implicit aspects, addressing their relationships to each other.
Identifies and addresses the main question(s) and most of the subsidiary, embedded or implicit aspects.
Identifies and addresses the main question(s) and some of the subsidiary, embedded or implicit aspects.
Identifies part of the main question(s) and a few of the subsidiary, embedded or implicit aspects but only addresses them partially.
Lacks an understanding of what the question requires or responds inappropriately or tangentially to the task or topic.
Understanding, Analysis, Synthesis, and Application of Knowledge
Consistent perceptive and critical engagement with issues and themes based on comprehensive understanding of relevant concepts and theories; the analysis, synthesis
and application of knowledge is consistently clear and effective.
Frequent perceptive and critical engagement with issues and themes; the analysis, synthesis and application of knowledge is generally clear and effective but
occasional shortcomings in understanding of relevant concepts and theories are evident.
Overall, some perceptive and critical engagement with issues and themes, the analysis, synthesis and application of knowledge is mostly clear and effective but the
essay in parts reveals rather superficial understanding of relevant concepts and theories.
Occasional critical engagement with key issues and themes but in general rarely goes beyond reproduction of relevant concepts and theories, impaired in parts by
considerable inaccuracies.
No critical engagement with issues, and themes. Essay characterized by serious inaccuracies and misunderstandings.
Examines the question/issue/ problem from all important perspectives. Overall logic is clear. Premises or evidence strongly support conclusions. Counter-evidence or
rival positions addressed. Arguments fit together and build a compelling case.
Examines the question/issue/ problem from most of the important perspectives. Expresses own position, and argumentative structure is clear and logical, but some
arguments underdeveloped or some considerations overlooked.
Examines the question/issue/ problem from some of the important perspectives. Not all relevant arguments and counter arguments are fully examined. Offers own position
but reasoning is sometimes impaired by weak, emotive, or inconsistent argumentation.
Examines things from a single perspective. Only minimal examination of relevant arguments and counterarguments. Offers own position, but the arguments are not put
forward explicitly and not sufficiently supported.
Arguments are confused and illogical. Student fails to present and defend a coherent position. Offers own position, but arguments are flawed, disorganized, or
difficult to identify or understand.
Structure / Organization
Introduction states clearly writer’s thesis or position, and conclusion clearly summarizes main arguments. Paragraphing is appropriate at all times with each paragraph
containing a central idea which is developed throughout the paragraph with supporting details.
Introduction states writer’s thesis or position, and conclusion summarizes main arguments. Paragraphing is appropriate, but some paragraphs lack supporting detail or
contain unrelated details.
Introduction and conclusion are included and generally capture the essence of the topic and discussion. Evidence of ability to paragraph, but some paragraphs lack a
central idea or supporting detail
Introduction and conclusion are included but do not adequately capture the essence of the topic and discussion. Ability to construct a paragraph with a central idea
and supporting details is evident at times but somewhat limited.
Introduction and conclusion are unclear, lack detail or missing altogether. Very little evidence of an ability to organize the essay into paragraphs with one central
idea and supporting details.
The language contains very few, if any, errors in grammar and vocabulary. If slips are present, the meaning is still clear. Conventions of academic writing (e.g.
citation, references, footnotes, etc.) are followed meticulously.
The language is generally accurate but contains some systematic errors in complex grammar and vocabulary. Conventions of academic writing (e.g. citation, references,
footnotes, etc.) are followed apart from the occasional oversight.
The language is mostly accurate; errors, when they occur, are more often in complex grammar and vocabulary. Errors are distracting but the overall meaning is still
intelligible. Conventions of academic writing (citation, references, footnote) are followed but at times inconsistencies and/or errors occur.
The language is sufficient for arguments to be understood with effort. However, the language contains frequent errors in simple and complex grammar and vocabulary that
are distracting. Conventions of academic writing (e.g. citation, references, footnotes, etc.) are followed but show many inconsistencies and/or errors.
Errors in language and vocabulary are so frequent and distracting that the essay is largely incomprehensible. Does not adhere to the conventions of academic writing
(e.g. citation, references, footnotes, etc.).


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