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Home / Essays / he history of digital crimes and digital terrorism

he history of digital crimes and digital terrorism

he history of digital crimes and digital terrorism
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Explain digital crime and digital terrorism activities.
Describe law enforcement roles and responses.
Describe the criminology of computer crime.
Analyze the types of digital criminals and hackers.
Explain the various digital laws and legislation in support of law enforcement.
Describe law enforcement roles and responses.
Explain the procedures in the investigation of computer-related crime.
Describe the technologies and processes involved in digital forensics.
Describe future trends in digital crime and terrorism.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in information technology in criminal justice.
Write clearly and concisely about information technology in criminal justice topics using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.
Contractions are words such as don’t, can’t, haven’t, won’t, isn’t, it’s, and all those with an apostrophe that make one word out of two. Avoid contractions; write them out (for example, do not, cannot).
– Avoid using first and second person singular number (I, me, you or your) in your writing. Use of we and our or ours are most appropriate. It is best practice (prudent) in academia for students to include their audience (especially classmates).
– Please be cognizant of the points (250 points) allocated for these assignments. For high scores, conduct extensive research and discuss each part of the topic/question in detail. You are encouraged to introduce supplemental research materials from Internet and other external resources (with appropriate citations and references in APA style) to your work. References (APA style) for external sources used in research must be included at the end of your paper. Acceptable external sources are peer reviewed academic journals, periodicals, books from reputable publishers, etc. However, the majority (75%+) of your response/analysis to the topic/question must be your own. You may not copy and paste directly from any external sources including Internet to prepare your entire (or majority percentage) response (even with citations). For example, if your response/analysis has total of 100 words, no more than 25 words may come from external sources as word-for-word citation.

NOTE: You will be graded on the quality of your answers, the logic/organization of the report, your language skills, and your writing skills.
