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Q1. Prepare an email to all staff in Health Smiles Medical Practice outlining:
• your role as a Practice Manager, clearly stating the information and support that you can provide in order to build effective workplace relationships within the practice
• The process to follow to guide and support colleagues to resolve work difficulties
• The processes in place to resolve issues raised promptly or refer these to relevant personnel as required and within the requirements of the organisation and relevant legislation
• The process to manage conflict in the practice.

Q2. Consider a situation where you have received a complaint from Patient A that one of your receptionists has shared information related to Patient A’s medical history with Patient B of your practice.
Patient A is feeling disgusting and feels that it is a breach of privacy information from the Practice’s end. You have done your investigation and found out about the reception team member who did this.
• Explain how you will resolve this conflict constructively between the patient and the practice
• Whom you should involve in management of this conflict issue
• Explain the process of counselling for managing the receptionist behaviour and describe how will manage the receptionist poor performance within the organisation’s processes.
