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healthcare quality and safety

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The aim of this project is to provide you with an opportunity to synthesise the evidence about a particular aspect of healthcare quality and safety, and to apply this
knowledge to a particular setting with the aim of improving the care provided in that setting. You will focus on a practical consideration of how evidence could be
connected to practice in a real-world setting.


Workplace Improvement Projects:

Integrate the whole course

Provide a structured analysis of a worthwhile problem

-Are useful and practical

-Are interesting to readers

Workplace Improvement Project reports should include the following sections:

1. Aim

What is the specific aim of the Workplace/Healthcare Improvement Project?

Specific assessment criteria: Is the aim explicitly stated? If a particular perspective was chosen, isthe argument for this explicit and clear? Is the population
forwhom care isto be improved clearly defined? Is the aim appropriately broad or narrow (i.e. big enough to be meaningful, but not so broad that only generalities are

2. Setting

Where will this project occur and what are the characteristics of the setting? What are the relevant contextual factors?

3. Background and Evidence

Summarise knowledge about the problem you identified. What are the relevant contextual factors?

Consider the evidence that lies behind the Improvement issue you will address. What isthe strength of the evidence and its applicability in the setting where it will
be applied?

Specific assessment criteria: Is the concept of “evidence synthesis” understood? Are


syntheses included? Are they understood? What is excluded? Why?

4. Intended improvement

Describe the specifics of the proposed intervention, and why it was chosen

5. Proposed Methods

How do you propose to implement the intervention?

Specific assessment criteria:

Are the methods reasonable in light of the identified problem, context of the setting, and evidence?

5. Ethical issues

What are the

ethical aspects of implementing and studying the improv ement, and how you propose to address any ethical concerns?

7. Assessing the


How will you assess how effectively the intervention was implemented? Describe any proposed instruments used to assess

effectiveness of implementation; what were the contributions of intervention components and context factorsto intervention effectiveness;

wasthere validation of instruments; what were the methods for assuring

data quality and adequacy?

8. Discussion

Summarise potential

difficulties in implementing the intervention; anticipated observed changes in care delivery and clinical outcomes; particular strengths of

the proposed intervention, settings in which this intervention is likely to be effective; implications forfurther studies of


These are descriptors of any good written work or presentations of the kind set in assignments. These are:

1. The intellectual coherence of your work

There is a logical flow of ideas

Conclusions are supported by evidence and argument

2. The intelligibility of your presentations and contributions

Presentation is clear and concise

-Accurate referencing

3. Evidence of adequate/critical reading (of both theoretical

and research literature) acrossthe change management literature

Reading and integrating the course materials

Reading and integrating

additional materials beyond those provided

4. Reflection on your own experience and your growth in understanding

Evidence of critical reflection on own experience as a change agent

Evidence of the ability to use an adequate knowledge base about change management


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