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Heritage Managemant: Dicovery point in Dundee

Heritage Managemant: Dicovery point in Dundee
An individual report
Coursework Aim: to demonstrate an understanding of the ethical, physical and operational issues involved in heritage Management.
Coursework brief: critically evaluate a heritage attraction (Dicovery point at Dunndee) with reference to:
1. Explain the importance of ethics i heritage management
2. Critically evaluate different forms of heritage interpretation-technology and the postmodern visitor.
3. appraise goverment legislation and public relating to heritage management
4. Evaluate particular heritage visitor conservation
5. Design plans for managing the conservation, promotion and public enjoyment of heritage assets.

whilst the report focuses primarly on one heritage visitor attraction, a strong emhpasis should be placed on the relevant national and international examples. Appraisal of heritage management at other attractions should be undertaken to identify imporvements wich could be made at the chosen attraction or alternatives to be avoided. Academy literature and theory should be integrated into the report and executives summary, introduction and conclusion/ reccomendationd should be all present, along with sections addressing the main brief criteria above. to overcome the negative and positive impact of tourism on culture.
