Home / Essays / how does psychiatric environment affect the behaviour and what are the ethical issues with the use of prn medication and the use of restrain

how does psychiatric environment affect the behaviour and what are the ethical issues with the use of prn medication and the use of restrain


Order type: Speech/Presentation
Subject: Psychology
Academic level: Master
Style: APA
Language: English (U.S.)

Order Description
this paper is meant to be presentation speech about
how the psychiatric ward environment affect the behaviour such as agitation, anxiety and other behaviour . which may lead to the increase the use of prn medication and
the use restrains

the second part is what are the ethical issues with the use increase use of prn and restrains . all the four ethical principles must be discussed autonomy ,
beneficence , non beneficence, justice.
there should be headings and followed by discussion for each point.
Please read the instruction before proceeding to the writing, this assignment must be written in a way that reflects, deep understanding of the issue and deep
insight. High quality peer reviewed articles. And be careful this assignment will be submitted through turnitin.
This is a report or speech notes assignment which must be presented as presentation. That should be presented in workshop for nurses in mental health settings (the
main idea is to teach nurses about the following: Psychiatric ward environment effect on the behaviour disturbed behaviour, distress or agitation and anxiety, and on
the increased use of restrain and increased use of PRN psychotropic medication.
This assignment is related to behavioural perspective of mental health. The two parts must be presented together, so there should be link between the two parts.
The paper should be written in a way that headings should be the main reason or the main idea and then proceed to discussion. The headings I will use them in the ppt
and the discussing i will read them in the work shop.
The assignment is divided in two parts: –
The first part: —-Psychiatric ward environment effect on the behaviour disturbed behaviour, distress or agitation and anxiety. And , on the increased use of restrain
and increased use of PRN psychotropic medication.
1. Literature on how the psychiatric ward environment affects the behaviour such as disturbed behaviour, distress or agitation and anxiety.
The affect such as lack of activities, lack of stimulus
(it should be discussed for both sides nurses and patient) in other words how the psychiatric ward environment affect nurses to increase the use of prn psychotropic
medication and how does it affect the patient makes them more agitation , distress , and disturbed behaviour.
2. How such effects can lead to increased frequency of PRN medication (psychotropic medication).
3. How such effect can lead to the use of increased in the use of distressing patient seclusion/restraint (chemical and physical).
Why increased use of PRN Psychotropic medication and restrain are not solving the issues
Then here should be a linked sentence (two or three sentences). That makes the talk consistent and interrelated.
The Second Parts:– What are the Ethical implications of the current management(PRN medication and use of chemical and physical restraint). of the above behaviour (
disturbed behaviour, distress or agitation and anxiety). In other words what are some of the ethical issues with not addressing the problems or the way it’s currently
Use of chemical +physical restraint and PRN for patient to treat agitation, anxiety, disturbed behaviour and agitation and flash back: how is this impacting
Use of framework of four components: to reflect on this (autonomy, beneficence, non-beneficence, and justice
1. Each component must be discussed separately. How the chemical + physical restraint impact autonomy
How the chemical + physical and prn restraint impact autonomy
How the chemical + physical restraint and PRN impact beneficence
How the chemical + physical restraint and PRN impact do no harm
How the chemical + physical restraint and PRN impact justice
You should mention how the use the restrains and PRN medication are ethically not justifiable or ethically justifiable, what exactly the literature is saying. How
ethical principles are clash or conflict with each other.
Writing style
Under each part there should bullets point which must include the main point and then followed by a deep discussion of the point you can write an example,
incidence or actual situation that has happen to make it clear..
1. All the literature used must be high quality peer reviewed research articles.
2. The paper should be in organized in this way :
3. The main issues must be mentioned in bullets points and then under each point the report or the speech notes must be written in a way that link to each other
and remember it must be written in a way that it could be spoken.
4. All the references must use APA 6th style of referencing


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