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Home / Essays / INTERMEDIATE INVESTMENTS assignment ( Finance)


Choose four (4) publicly traded firms on any of the three major Exchanges (NYSE, Amex or Nasdaq) and answer the following questions (if a firm you choose does not have a Web site for information specified in the question then select another firm that does have the required information):

Q1. Almost all companies have an Investor Relations (IR) section on their Corporate Web site. Click on the Investor Relations tab on the Corporate Web site for each of your firms and provide a list of the topics that are available for investors.

Example: The URL for the General Electric (GE) Corp. Web site is: http://www.ge.com/
Click on “Investor Relations” at the top of the Web page
List of topics shown on the left hand side of the page are:
Stock Information
Financial Reporting
Events & Presentations
Shareholder Services
Personal Investing
Institutional Investing
Investor Updates
Investor Contacts

Q2. One source for detailed market data for companies listed on major exchanges can be found at http://finance.yahoo.com. Use this site to find the most recent full-day trading volume for your firms. Compare your answers to the average daily trading volume for each firm over the past 20 trading days. For each firm, is the most recent full-day trading volume higher or lower than the average daily trading volume over the past 20 trading days?

Q3. Use the http://finance.yahoo.com site to find the most recent daily closing price per share for your firms. Compare your answers to the average daily closing price per share over the past 20 trading days. For each firm, is the most recent daily closing price per share higher or lower than the average daily closing price per share over the past 20 trading days?

Q4. Use the Analyst Estimates tab on the left-hand side of the http://finance.yahoo.com site to find the current EPS estimates for both the Current Year and Next Year for each firm.

Q5. Use the Analyst Opinion tab on the left-hand side of the http://finance.yahoo.com site to find the current Price Target Summary for the Mean Target price for each firm.

Q6. http://www.nasdaq.com is a another great Web site for finding information about a publicly traded firm. Use the nasday.com site to find information about insider and institutional ownership in your firms. What are the names of the top three (3) institutional investors with the largest ownership interest in each of your firms?

Q7. Go to the CFA Institute Web site http://www.cfainstitute.org/ethics/codes/Pages/index.aspx and outline the CFA Code of Ethics for investment professionals.

Q8. Go the websites of the organizations that support the CFA and CFP designations (www.cfainstitute.org and www.cfp.net, respectively), and list the requirements of the CFA and CFP designations.
*The purpose of Assignment 1 is for you to get experience looking up useful market and financial information about firms in which you may have an investment interest. You should realize that there is much more information available on the Web sites provided than what you are asked to list in A1.
