Issue Exploration – Criminal Justice Reform
Video Link:
marlon_peterson_am_i_not_human_a_call_for_criminal_i ustice_reform
Article 1 Link
http://news- harvard-edu/gazette/story/201 6/02/the-costs-of-inequal ity-a-goal-of-
Article 2 Link:
httpzlljounals-sagepub-oom/doi/pdf/10-1 177/0022427881018001 10
First paagraph:
1- An overview and discussion of you issue- You will need to identify the issue and
key points from the video and articles-
2- You position on the issue- Do you agree or disagree with the speaker/authors? Why
or why not?
For the next part of this assignment, you will need to develop responses to the
prompts below- Each of you paragraphs should be well developed and thoughtful-
1- Why is this topic important to society? (Be sue to include evidence from the video
and article to support you position-)
2- How does this issue affect different groups in society? (Be sue to include specific
groups that are affected-)
3. After reading about my topic, I want to-.. (What action will you take? ie: futher
research, join an organization, educate others, create a funcraiser, donate money)
Issue Overview and Discussion
Student explicitly states the issue- Key points are identified and discussed using
examples from the video and the articles- There is a clear position taken on the issue-
All sentences are well constructed and without errors in grammar, spelling or
Statement Prompt 1
The student responds to the prompt in a way that demonstrates high level thinking-
There is sufficient detail and examples to support the student’s response- The
paragraph is the appropriate length (8-10 sentences)- All sentences are well
constructed and without errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation-