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It must be portfolioResort & Casino Management

It must be portfolioResort & Casino Management

Setting the SceneThe aim of this assessment is to build, over the next 12 weeks, a detailed portfolio of a specific resort.You are asked to undertake a series of tasks
each of which must be added to your portfolio. The portfolio will be collected twice (in week 6 and week 13) and a grade will be assigned to your work. The two grades,
relating to weeks 1-6 and 7-12 will be combined to produce an overall assessment grade. Note the two sets of tasks will be equally weighted.All of the tasks will draw
upon the ideas concepts and activities developed in our weekly sessions. In doing so, not only will the assessment test your understanding of the taught elements of
the module, but also your ability to evaluate and apply theory to operational practice.Tasks – Weeks 7 to 121. Outline the facility mix of your resort. How have these
facilities helped to create a unique selling point (USP) for your resort? Why does any resort need a USP?2. How has your resort responded to either of the
following development or design trends?• The use of regional architecture
• The utilisation of sustainable transport systems
• The use of ‘alternative’ financing models3. How might your resort be a focus for destination development? Attempt to place your resort within the Miossec
resort-destination development model. Justify your choice of positioning.4. Finally identify three development problems and/or management challenges your resort
has faced. How is it addressing them?

Some of these questions require a 1-2 sentence answer and some require a longer answer (about a paragraph). Questions that require a short answer are in blue. The
remaining require a longer answer. Be sure to answer all questions, be sure to answer them here nowhere else.

Family, Work & the Economy Part 1

The Second Shift: Working Parents and the Revolution at Home (Hochschild & Machung)
1) What is the second shift?
2) Typically who performs the second shift?
3) Nancy and Evan struggle with the second shift. Briefly describe this struggle.
4) The authors argue the struggle is resolved by Nancy choosing to manage inequality. What do they mean by this term and how is it managed in Nancy and Evan’s

The Rhetoric and Reality of “Opting Out” (Pamela Stone)
1) Who is opting out and what are they opting out from?
2) Why are they opting out?
3) What is the choice gap? Why does it matter?
4) What direct and indirect role do men play in women’s decision to opt out?
5) What are workplace pushes that women experience?
6) What are motherhood pulls that women experience?

The Work Home Crunch (Gerson & Jacobs)
1) Briefly explain who is working more and who is working less.
2) What is the Work-Home crunch?
3) What conditions have brought about the work-home crunch?
4) Considering gender, who takes the greater weight of the work-home crunch men or women? Why?

One Sick Child Away from being Fired (Joan C. Williams)
1) What is happening to working people who have family needs that take them away from work?
2) What kinds of workers and therefore families are affected? Why, these folks?
3) If we cut through unethical, if not illegal, behavior of companies, what does this article say about the workplace and the family? What are the social effects
when companies can fire people for attending to their families?

Family, Work & the Economy Part 2

Skolnick: “Middle-Class Families in the Age of Insecurity”
1) What is Brian Lawler’s story and how does it represent the middle-class in the U.S.?
2) What are the causes of the middle-class meltdown? When did they begin? (360-361)
3) What is at risk for individuals and families in the midst of these economic changes? (359)
4) What is the over-consumption myth? Why does it matter? (361)
5) Describe the era The Great Prosperity”. (363)

Newman & Chen: “The Missing Class”
1) What are a few measures that define the Missing Class?
2) Why don’t we see this class of people?
3) Why is working a problem for the missing class?
4) This class relies on debt as a way to acquire wants and needs. What is the risk of debt?
5) How has state/fed gov’t policies interfered with the missing class’s ability to survive let alone prosper?

Seccombe: “Living Poorly” Poverty’s Effects on Children and Their Parents”
1) Briefly describe the various ways that poverty affects children and their parents?
2) What are some ways children and parents in poverty are affected by other circumstances?
3) What are the pathways that link poverty to adverse outcomes for children and parents?

Same-Sex Marriage

Chauncey: “Why do Gays Want to Marry?”
1) Why do gays want to marry?
2) How is the women’s movement and women’s rights connected to gay rights & gay marriage?
3) What is the basis of conservative opposition to gay marriage? And how has it adjusted its message to fit with the changing perceptions of the American people?

Reading 16: Stacey – “Gay Parenthood and the End of Paternity as We Knew It”
1) Stacey states: “Gay fatherhood represents “planned parenthood” in extremis”. What does she mean by this? (234)
2) What are the methods gay men use to become parents?
3) What is unique about the children adopted by gay men?
4) What is predestined parents? (237)
5) Stacey argues, same-sex parents provide a great opportunity for studying modern day families. Why?

Biblarz & Stacey: Does the gender of Parents Matter?
1) The authors compare and contrast same-sex families with heterosexual families. They argue same-sex parent behaviors are different compared to children raised
in heterosexual households. How and why are they different?
2) The authors argue children raised in same-sex families do as well if not a little bit better than children raised in heterosexual families? In what ways are
children doing as well and why? In what ways are children doing better and why?

Immigrant Families

“Conflict, Coping, and Reconciliation: Intergenerational Relations in Chinese Immigrant Families” by Min Zhou
1) How are Chinese Immigrants doing today in terms of economic status, education, and types of jobs? What, if any, problems persist?
2) What is an Ethnoburb? (417)
3) Review the section titled Community Transformations and Contexts compare and contrast the experience of old 2nd generation Chinese immigrant children with new 2nd
generation Chinese immigrant children.
4) In the section titled Challenges Confronting the Chinese Immigrant Family the author lays out three or four challenges. What are they? And why do they matter?
5) What is filial piety? How does it impact the relationship of Chinese immigrants and their children? (420)
6) Education is very important for Chinese immigrant parents, as a result they have high expectations for their children. Describe these expectations. What are the 4
pressures points parents put on their children?

“The Burden of Deportation on Children in Immigrant Mexican Families” by Joanna Dreby
1) In the introduction there are a lot of numbers that are important to understanding the question of immigration (especially for people from Mexico). What are
some of these numbers? And why are the important?
2) What is the deportation pyramid? Explain the lay out of the pyramid, how it is measured, and where on the pyramid are children most and least affected.
3) What are global care chains? (832)
4) Dreby says deportation is a “gendered process” (836), what does this mean?
5) The author states that her goal of the article is to “document how an emphasis on enforcement that targets Mexicans at the level of public policy has had
consequences for young children, many of whom are U.S. citizens, who have Mexican immigrant parents” (830). What are the consequences?

Teenage Marriage among Hmong American Women” by Pa Der Vang & Pa Her
1) How does the history of Hmong people help us understand current marriage behaviors in the U.S.? (139)
2) In their countries of origin what were/are benefits of marrying young? In the U.S. what are some possible benefits for marrying young? (139)
3) The authors take a social learning theory approach to their study. What is social learning theory? (141)
4) The authors find there are two broad themes of social learning within Hmong American families that socialize people into accepting teenage marriage. These two
themes are “family socialization process” and “individual insight and perspectives”. Briefly explain these two themes [1-2 sentences for each theme]. (142)
5) Regarding “family socialization process” the authors identify three processes through which Hmong girls and young women learn teenage marriage is appropriate
and maybe even preferred? Name these processes, explain these three, and provide one piece of evidence from the article for each process. (143)
6) Regarding “individual insight and perspectives” the authors identify two processes through which Hmong girls and young women learn teenage marriage is
appropriate and maybe even preferred? Name these processes, explain these two, and provide one piece of evidence from the article for each process. (143)
7) Throughout the article the authors touch on the interaction of Hmong American culture and mainstream U.S. culture. Page through the reading. What are some of
the interactions/tensions between these two cultures, and how does/may it affect Teenage Marriage among Hmong adolescents?


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