Home / Essays / Kerpen’s “Likeable Social Media” book report

Kerpen’s “Likeable Social Media” book report

Kerpen’s “Likeable Social Media” book report

Utilize the chapters identified below as your main headings, plus a final heading for your “Conclusion”. No overall introduction to the paper is needed. Start with
“Chapter 1. [Note: I am NOT asking for your personal critique of the book’s content or to fill the body of the paper with your personal experiences with social media.
The conclusion will provide you a place to reflect on how your understanding of social media as a customer communication process/tool evolved having read this book.
See “conclusion” below.] Summarize the best ideas/key recommendations about customer communication from Chapters 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 16.Conclusion—
Explain how Kerpen’s book changed your understanding of social media and its role in creating genuine customer communication, versus social media just being a
“communications” tool. What are the most valuable lessons you learned about social media for customer communication and customer service excellence? How will you apply
these insights to improve your communication competence as a manager/leader/employee? Explain how Kerpen’s book compared, contrasted, and added to the customer
communication principles you gained from both Kaufman’s and Bliss’s books. How did these books expand your understanding and philosophy of organizational communication
processes? Include any additional personal reflections, insights, or critiques here.Use APA (American Psychological Association) writing style. See
http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) for help with APA. To avoid plagiarism, include page
numbers for all direct quotations. All direct quotes from the book must be in quotation marks and follow APA format (including the author’s last name, year, and page
numbers)—for example, “Organizations that share highly produced content or that speak in a scripted manner appear inauthentic and breed mistrust” (Kerpen, 2015, p.
110). No more than 15-20% of the paper should be direct quotes.For this assignment, paraphrased content requires no citation; I’ll know it comes from Kerpen’s book.
Remember, paraphrasing is accurately translating, summarizing, and expressing the author’s ideas in your own words/phrases/sentences. Copying statements directly from
the text and then changing a word or two in a sentence is NOT paraphrasing. That is plagiarism!Length: 10-12 double-spaced pages of text, standard 10-12 point font and
one inch margins. Abstain from odd spacing to eat up space! NO COVER PAGE—type “COM 635—Assignment #3”, your name, and the full APA citation for the book I’ve provided
above and then start writing the paper below that using the chapter numbers/titles as headings that I listed above!

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