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Leadership for Managers

COURSE TITLE: Leadership for Managers
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INSTRUCTOR BIO: Professor received her Master of Science in Management from and her Bachelor from University. She embarked on her career in higher education in and began teaching in 200. Prior to academia, her professional career included working in both for- profit and nonprofit organizations, holding managerial positions in for-profit organizations. Her industry experience includes manufacturing, construction, and healthcare. She has a passion for management, with a special interest in leadership, ethics, organizational behavior, and business communication. She is a member of the College

OFFICE HOURS: Please communicate your need via e-mail,

CREDIT HOURS: 4 semester credit hours


REQUIRED RESOURCES: DuBrin, A. J. (2016). Leadership: Research findings, practice, and skills (8th ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning. (ISBN 13: 9781285866369)

American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC:
Author (ISBN: 97812)

PROCTORED FINALS All online courses taught at Hodges University require a proctored final exam. Students are required to take final exams through the ProctorU online service (requiring a webcam and a reliable high-speed Internet connection) during the dates listed in the MyHUgo portal.
In addition, it is strongly recommended that students visit the Get Started (www.proctoru.com/getstarted.php) and TestItOut (www.proctoru.com/testitout/) pages at the ProctorU website prior to taking their exams.

Questions about the proctoring process should be directed to the Online Learning Department (onlinelearning@hodges.edu) or to ProctorU (855.772.8678 / www.proctoru.com/hodges).

OPTIONAL The Wall Street Journal – Hard Copy or On-Line Version

NOTE: Student must demonstrate the ability to access the various databases
contained in the library.

It is each student’s responsibility to acquire the competency to access the various databases provided through the resources in the University Library. As noted throughout the syllabi, there are instances where general references from the Internet will not be allowed. It is important that you become proficient in the use of the databases and you ensure your ability to access them as soon as possible. Bring any issues or problems to the attention of a library staff member or the professor in a timely manner.
This course focuses on the responsibilities of leadership and the skills which must be developed to successfully lead in today’s changing environment. Prerequisites: CAP1000, ENG1101

Upon successful completion of this course the student should be able to:

MNA 4360 – Leadership for Managers
1. Research, compare, and contrast traditional and contemporary leadership theories and identify effective and ineffective leadership. Learner completes homework assignments, Discussion Board Questions, quizzes, classroom exercises, Wall Street Journal Assignments, Collaborate presentations, and exam questions; and analyzes Hartwick case study and or peer reviewed articles. Learner completes the applied research project.
2. Communicate and defend ideas such as how leadership shapes vision, culture, values, and behaviors within an organization.
Learner completes homework assignments, Discussion Board Questions, quizzes, Collaborate presentations, and classroom exercises; and analyzes Hartwick case study.
Learner completes the applied research project.
3. Identify the challenges and opportunities managers have in applying leadership and explain the ramifications. Learner completes written analyses of Wall Street Journal articles, Discussion Board Questions, classroom exercises; Learner completes the applied research project-
4. Determine, define, and analyze the student’s individual leadership styles. Learner completes leadership assessment instruments and written reflective analysis.
5. Demonstrate leadership by facilitating class discussions on a contemporary leadership issue as published in The Wall Street Journal. Learner prepares a PowerPoint presentation and leads and moderates a Collaborate classroom activity. Moderates peer feedback classroom exercise.
6. Write a comprehensive, logical, accurate, grammatically correct, authoritatively cited research paper using 6th Edition APA style and syntax. Learner completes the applied research project.

Learning in this course will be facilitated through reading, lectures, case studies, small and large-online group discussions, interactive learning, and computerized learning resources. Current events, case studies, and class projects will be utilized to supplement the textbook. The case studies will enable students to apply concepts and analytic skills in recommending strategies and solutions to problems that face managers today. It is believed that students can get the text author’s perspective on the course material by reading the text and that in class other viewpoints on the material should also be covered. Thus, students gain the benefit of multiple perspectives. Students are expected to be self-directed, and ample opportunities will be provided for learning utilizing Library resources for research. The student is expected to make the time to reflect on learning and to apply such learning to his or her place of employment.

A Note on Interactive Learning –Interactive Learning (IL) is designed to put the responsibility for learning in the hands of the student as well as the instructor. Learning is facilitated through instructor-to-student and student-to-student teaching. Because of this, students must be committed to active involvement, regular attendance, and “up-to-speed” knowledge of the assigned readings. If students are not prepared and do not actively participate in class, they will not only jeopardize their own learning, but also that of the rest of the class. Interactive learning is a partnership between each student in the class and between the class and the instructor.

Each student will be required to read extensively between every class meeting. In addition to the required reading, students are encouraged to read journals, periodicals, and other news articles in the management field.

Students enrolled at Hodges University are expected to regularly attend and actively participate in classes regardless of whether attendance or participation is factored into a student’s final grade. Individual instructors also may impose special attendance and participation requirements in their courses. Student attendance and participation in courses are monitored on the basis of progress reports or final grade reports submitted by instructors during the 4th and 8th weeks of each term.
It is expected that the typical student will average approximately three hours per week preparing for this course for every one hour of credit awarded for this course.

Class participation is important to the learning experience in a distance learning environment. Attendance is measured by participation in the Discussion Board and completing assignments for that week. Fulfillment of attendance requirements is determined by timely submission of weekly assignments due each Wednesday evening by 11:59 pm. If you fail to submit an assignment by the required date/time, you are considered absent from class and will be reported absent to the Registrar’s office.

Being absent does not relieve you of the requirement to complete the weekly assignments. If you know that you will be out of town for an extended period, please contact your professor ahead of time, to make arrangements for assignments.

Individuals become effective leaders, managers, team members, and change agents only if they can communicate their ideas in oral and written form. Therefore, a strong emphasis is put on the student’s abilities to clearly and convincingly advocate his or her position—whether through class discussion, oral presentations, or written case studies.

Hodges University Email typically works out to be the primary form of communication in an online environment. Students should get in the habit of checking their HU email and Blackboard daily. Communication between the professor and the student(s) will take place primarily via email. In addition, the professor may post general announcements and instructions via the announcements section of Blackboard.

All email to your instructor should have MNA4360OL in the “Subject” line followed by a short description of the subject (i.e. Subject: MNA4360OL-Question about Week 2 assignment”).

Hodges University has adopted an Academic Honesty Policy that all students are expected to follow. Students sign this policy during the orientation/registration process. A copy of this policy is located under Student Forms, Policies and Other Information in the Student Resources Team Site of MyHUgo.
Faculty librarians on the Naples and Fort Myers campuses offer assistance in using information and provide academic support to all on-campus and online students. The Library websiteenables 24/7 access to e-books and journals, research guides, course guides, citation help, and other resources. Selecting Resources in Blackboard displays a Library folder with links to our orientation video, our website, and specific resources to help you conduct research for your assignments.
Librarians provide academic support in their respective areas of professional faculty expertise and will facilitate support with other faculty as needed. Students also have access to online academic support through Smarthinking, a 24/7 on-demand tutoring service in a wide variety of disciplines and subject areas. Smarthinking is accessible through your Blackboard course.
It is the responsibility of the student with special access needs to inform the University of these special needs and to provide the requisite supporting documentation. The ADA Coordinator for the University is responsible for the coordination of compliance efforts, in particular, between the student and professors. If you need ADA accommodations, please contact the ADA Coordinator

Counseling services are available to assist with your career planning needs, resumes, cover letters, and volunteer/internship opportunities. The careers and Counseling staff can be contacted at careers@hodges.edu or 800.466.8017.
Career development advisement is available to assist with your career planning needs, resumes, cover letters, and volunteer/internship opportunities. The Career Development Coordinator can be contacted

The materials distributed in this course may be subject to copyright. No part of these materials may be reproduced, reposted, or transmitted in any form or by any means, other than for personal educational use, without the consent of the owner.

APA Format- Formal written documents where references are used, examinations, reports, etc. will follow the format prescribed in the APA Publication Manual, 6th ed. Failure to follow these guidelines will affect the grade of the exam, paper, or report. Papers turned in with major APA errors, such as failure to properly reference, failure to double space, failure to use quotation marks or using them when not necessary, will result in serious loss of points for that paper before any consideration is given to content or writing ability. USE OF THE APA TEMPLATE PROGRAM IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED IN THIS COURSE.


Online -Class Participation – The Bachelor of Science in Management is built around class participation. Students are expected to participate in online class discussions, online collaborative and communicative tools (defined as verbal contributions and attentiveness to others’ comments) and to formulate their ideas based on the assigned readings and experience at their workplace.
I encourage you think of online class participation in these terms:

• Prepare – In order to participate, you must prepare. Read the book! Read the business press (The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Fortune, etc.). Spend some time thinking about what you have read and how it relates to what we have discussed in class Discussion Board and all online collaborative and communicative tools.
• Attend – Class attendance in Discussion Board and all online collaborative and communicative tools are a prerequisite to class participation. If you are not in class, you cannot participate.
• Analyze – Use the skills you have learned in class as well as your own life experience to analyze what you have read and heard.
• Reflect – Reflect on how it intersects with your understanding and how and why you think the way you do. How will your reflection impact a possible outcome or answer?
• Add – Please contribute your thoughts in Discussion Board, and all online collaborative and communicative tools. Not only will you enhance your own learning, the entire class will benefit and you will hone your communications skills.

Discussion Board (DB)
The class utilizes the Discussion Board for weekly interaction. Your comments should be professional and demonstrate critical thinking. Each student is required to visit the Discussion Board a minimum of three (3) times per week. The first visit must be no later than Saturday. Students will post their Discussion Board topic response by Saturday, and then comment on the postings of 2 other students no later than 11:59 pm on Wednesday*.

Discussion Board Responses
Students are expected to participate in the Discussion Board, and answer all discussion questions. Each student must submit a new “Thread” (an original posting of his or her response to the weekly topic) by Saturday of each week, and answer at least two other students by each week to receive full credit for each DB.
Your response(s) must be:
• intelligent and pertinent to the topic
• reflective of information from the readings
• an example of critical thinking
• at least 100 words (unless otherwise indicated) for your initial response and
• at least 70 words (unless otherwise indicated) for each response to two other students’ postings.

When the Discussion Board topic involves more than one question, your responses should be numbered and a space left between each answer. Do NOT include the question as part of your response.
Do NOT submit DB responses via an attachment.
Blackboard Discussion Boards, just like college classroom, should contain appropriate language and demonstrate courteous treatment of your classmates and instructor. The opinions expressed are specifically for this class and our learning and should not be repeated outside of this environment. No slang, “emoticons”, or chat acronyms are allowed.
*Note: Please submit your initial post early in the week and your subsequent responses to the posts of other learners at timely intervals throughout the duration of the week. The goal is to have a dynamic discussion around the topic that lasts throughout the entire week. Posts on Wednesday evenings do not contribute to this goal.
Because of the nature of student interaction in Discussion Board, no late assignments will be accepted.

Quizzes – Weekly quizzes are listed in the weekly folders. Quizzes must be completed by the assigned due date.

Leadership Self-assessment Paper (Week Two):
Students will prepare a 4-5 page paper (including a title and reference page), APA format, on what they considered to be their leadership strengths, as well as the areas they feel need to be developed further to be an exemplary leader.
The paper should also include an event or person that the student feels contributed to shaping her/his leadership style and philosophy.
The paper must include at least the textbook as a reference, and at least one in-text citation supporting the student’s view(s).
As this is a self-assessment paper, students may write this paper in first person.
Wall Street Journal Assignment – Written (Week 3):
The WSJ is required reading for each course in the BSM Program. Please select an article that you have read from a copy of the WSJ dated within 7 days prior to the assignment’s due date. The article must be clearly related to concepts or topics involving leadership. Note: Only WSJ articles may be used for this assignment. This assignment should be completed as follows:

Prepare a short article report using the following format:
1. Be sure to attach a title page. Centered information on the student, course, and due/submission dates.
2. Complete an accurate bibliographic citation (APA)—demonstrates the student’s ability to cite reference material.
3. Cogent Summary of the WSJ article—demonstrates the student’s ability to express the ideas of others in her or his own words.
4. Relevancy—demonstrates the student’s ability to draw important distinctions between what is learned in the classroom and what is happening in the “real world.”
5. Researcher’s Reaction—demonstrates the student’s ability to think critically and formulate an informed position.
6. Correct English usage and punctuation—demonstrates the student’s ability to express herself or himself.
7. The entire paper must be formatted according to APA specifications—double-spaced, hanging indent on bibliographic citation, indented paragraphs, centered headings.
8. Save the Word document file as last name first initial_WSJA_OLMNA4360
(i.e., SmithJ_WSJA_OLMNA4360).

Be sure to use APA format and follow instructions. Improperly formatted papers or papers which are not submitted according to instructions will be penalized or not accepted.

Refer to the WSJ folder (under the Resources tab) for a WSJ template and a link to The Wall Street Journal Online. The WSJ template is to be used and followed for the WSJ assignment.

Case Study Assignment – Adolf Hitler (Week 4)

To begin the written assignment, it is necessary to read the Case Study on Adolf Hitler found in the Adolf Hitler Folder, under the Resources tab. It is the student’s responsibility to read the case material carefully and be able to present comments and/or arguments that will support his or her opinion. Further instructions for this assignment will be provided Week 4, and the assignment will be completed using a special Discussion Board forum.

Wall Street Journal Assignment – Voice-over PPT (Week 5):
Please follow previous Wall Street Journal instructions, with the exception of presenting information as a Voice-over PowerPoint (PPT) presentation, instead of a written, Word document. Students will provide a Title and Reference slide (using APA format), along with a Summary, Relevancy, and Reaction slides. Minimum number of slides, therefore, should be five. Students may have more than one Summary, Relevancy, and/or Reaction slide.

One of the best ways to learn leadership is through studying other leaders. For this project, students will prepare:
• A research paper on a particular leader, CEO (see names below) – Week 6


• A Voice-over PowerPoint presentation on their leader – Week 7
Bob Iger – Walt Disney
Meg Whitman – HP
Lowell McAdam – Verizon
W. Craig Jelinek – Costco
Kenneth Chenault – Am Express
Reed Hastings – Netflix
Doug McMillon – Walmart
Robert Niblock – Lowe’s
Brian Cornell – Target
Samuel R. Allen – John Deere Marillyn Hewson – Lockheed Martin
Dan Schulman – PayPal
Mary Barra – GM
David Abney – UPS
John Bilbrey – Hershey
Frederick W. Smith – FedEx
Mark Fields – Ford
Marc Benioff – Salesforce
Marissa Mayer – Yahoo
Alex Gorsky – Johnson & Johnson Elon Musk – SpaceX
Indra Nooyi – PepsiCo
Mark Parker – Nike
Tony Hsieh – Zappos
Dara Khosrowshahi – Expedia
John Legere – T-Mobile
Inge Thulin – 3M
Jeff Immelt – GE
Ursula Burns – Xerox
Martin Roper – Samuel Adams

By the end of Week 1 (September 14th) each student is to email the Professor (kahern@hodges.edu) with her/his intended name. Names are “first come, first serve”. Please provide your first, second, and third choice, in case your first choice is no longer available.
Research Paper: Due Week 6 – October 19th
The paper will be 9-12 pages in length and done in APA format.
Students will write/present an analysis of the leader’s accomplishments, leadership style, leadership impact, situational factors, career influences, and philosophy.
Note: The research paper is not a book report or a repeat of the leader’s resume, but a critical evaluation and synthesis of the leader’s struggles, accomplishments, and failures. The focus of the paper should be on the leader and not his or her current organization (except as it relates to his or her leadership.)
When researching and preparing the paper, students should consider the following:
• How was the leader shaped/grown? Were there particular experiences that had a major impact on the development of the leader?
• What are the most important characteristics (traits, skills) that contribute to her/his success as a leader?
• Has the leader demonstrated courage and integrity?
• What type(s) of power has the leader used and from where was the power(s) derived?
• What is the relationship of the leader to followers?
• What is the individual’s style(s) of leadership?
• Does the leader have a vision for her/his organization? How is it communicated to the organization and what impact does it have?
• Is she/he an effective team leader? How is his/her effectiveness demonstrated?
• What are the central values (including ethical) of the leader and what impact do they have? Has the leader been confronted with ethical challenges and, if so, how did she/he address them?
• How does she/he handle adversity?
• Has the leader demonstrated creativity and innovation?
When preparing your paper, remember to use scholarly/business US resources (including your text) to validate your assumptions and provide examples.

Research Paper Format:
The paper should be 9-12 total pages, formatted according to APA specifications, and should include:
Title Page
Table of Contents
Body of Paper: 6 – 9 pages with level headings (at least Level One: Centered, Boldface, Upper and Lowercase Heading) and in-text citations. Papers that do not include in-text citations will not be accepted.
**Within the Conclusion (a Level One heading) of your paper, please address what you learned from this leader and how you can apply it to your leadership. **
Reference Page: minimum of 8 scholarly/business US references, APA format (No Wikipedia). Papers without a reference page will not be accepted.

*Please refer to your APA Manual, Hodges’ APA Library Resources, and/or the APA Formatting and Style Guide-Purdue Online Writing Lab https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ when preparing your research paper.
Hodges’ APA Tools – On Hodges’ Library Home Page, under Citation Help (bottom of page, on left), if you click on APA Style Guide (in blue), you will find tools to assist you with preparing and writing an APA research paper. In particular, the site offers the Hodges University APA Style Guide, APA Templates (Full and Short Paper versions), and an APA Sample Paper.
*Copies of all the sources used for the Research Project (paper and PowerPoint) must be kept and turned in when requested by the instructor.
If one should delay his or her project research until shortly before the assignment is due, he or she might be tempted to copy and incorporate portions of Web pages or entire Web articles into the research project. Plagiarism, an unforgivable offense at Hodges University, is the use of another person’s WORDS or IDEAS (either spoken or written) without citing the source. Hence, computerized copy and paste operations, as well as inclusion of rephrased statements from the Internet, book, or journals without citing author or source are both examples of plagiarism. Any paper or presentation found to contain plagiarized information will result in an (F) for the assignment and possibly the course, as well as other remedies listed under the academic honesty policy. Furthermore, each student’s research should represent his or her own thoughts. Excessive paraphrasing and/or lengthy direct quotations, although cited properly, will result in poor grades.
All submitted papers will be graded according to the following criteria:
1. Evidence of Independent Study and Documentation in Relation to Meeting the Stated Objective
This evaluates use of Library Resources and other sources. Use of theories, facts, principles, and ideas of experts pertinent to the topic with personal reaction to these are considered (e.g. agreement or disagreement, giving sound reason for or against). Thoughts, ideas, and concepts, etc. must be well documented, using authorities in the topic and using original sources.

2. Analysis, Originality of Thought, and Creativity
This shows originality in use of own ideas, analysis, and in use of facts, theories, and principles from the course discipline and other disciplines. This also develops and supports own ideas and displays independent thinking. There should be thorough consideration of pro and con sides with documentation.

3. Organization of Project Content/Material
The paper should be well arranged into appropriate categories and proceed in a logical manner (e.g. general to specific or specific to general, etc.) with a solid thesis statement, introduction, and corresponding conclusion.

4. Format, APA, Basic Mechanics, and Clarity
The paper should contain excellent expression of ideas. Language must be grammatically correct and ideas very clearly expressed. There must be consistent and appropriate use of APA format.
Students will prepare a Voice-over PPT presentation on their leader.
Each presentation should contain no more than 14 slides and no less than 12. Use one (1) slide for the Title page and one (1) for the Reference page. APA format should apply to the Reference slide with a minimum of five (5) scholarly/business US references in APA format. (Wikipedia may not be used).
Note: Students should keep the text on each slide short and to the point. As a general guide, remember the 5/5 Rule: no more than five words per line of text, five lines of text per slide.
It is also expected that students will add to the content of their slides during the voice-over, for interest, and as the audience can read.
Graded Work:
To facilitate timely completion of the work and help students stay on track, all assignments must be submitted by their assigned due dates (see Assignment Matrix). It is the responsibility of the student to keep up with the schedule.


Note: When permitted, Late assignments will be reduced a minimum of one letter grade if received within one week of the due date. No work will be accepted more than one week past the due date unless there is documented proof of an extraordinary event outside of the learner’s control. It is up to the instructor as to how much, if any time, will be allowed to make up the assignment. If the work is not received within one week past the due date, the student will receive a zero for the assignment. Hodges University does not issue a grade of incomplete; therefore, failure to turn in all written assignments will result in a failing grade for the term and the need to repeat the course.

The components of this class will be valued as follows:
Discussion Board 10%
Chapter Quizzes 14%
Week 1 – Appropriately Providing Name of Leader for Research Project 1%
Week 2 – Leadership Self-assessment Paper 10%
Week 3- WSJ Assignment – Written 5%
Week 4 – Case Study Assignment (Adolf Hitler) 10%
Week 5 – WSJ Assignment – Voice-over PowerPoint 5%
Week 6 – Research Project Paper 25%
Week 7 – Research Project Voice-over PowerPoint 10%
Week 7 ½ Final Exam – ProctorU 10%
Total 100%
Grading Guidelines and Standards
All work is graded in accordance with the following guidelines, standards, and expectations. Additionally, all required components must be completed in order to receive a final grade in this course. Work is evaluated for content mastery and clarity and correctness of expression. For content mastery, the following guidelines are used:
A Excellent (90-100) – Work demonstrates exceptional understanding of concepts, principles, theories, and applications; student uses this new knowledge to advance her/his own critical thinking, takes new information and successfully integrates it with the mastered material. Thus, the student’s work:
(1) responds fully to the assignment
(2) expresses its purpose clearly and persuasively
(3) is directed toward and meets the needs of a defined audience
(4) begins and ends effectively
(5) provides adequate supporting arguments, critical thinking, analysis and
interpretation, evidence, examples, and details
(6) is well organized
(7) contains appropriate, direct language
(8) correctly acknowledges and documents sources
(9) is free of errors in grammar, punctuation, word choice, spelling, and format (10) maintains a level of excellence throughout, and shows originality and creativity in realizing (1) through (7).

B Above Average (80-89) – Work demonstrates understanding of concepts, principles, theories, and applications; student is able to think critically, analyze and interpret, and apply learning by demonstrating consistent use of new knowledge with few lapses in application. Thus, the student’s work realizes (1) through (9) fully and completely—and demonstrates overall excellence—but shows little or no originality or creativity.

C Average (70-79) – Work demonstrates a minimum understanding of concepts, principles, theories, and applications; student is able to apply learning, but demonstrates lapses in appropriateness, critical thinking, analysis, and interpretation; is inconsistent with the application of new knowledge. Thus, the student’s work realizes (1) through (9) adequately—and demonstrates overall competence—but contains a few relatively minor errors or flaws. A “C” paper may show great creativity and originality, but those qualities do not make up for poor or careless writing. A “C” paper usually looks and reads like a next-to-final draft.

D Below Average (60-69) – Work is sub-standard, demonstrating a lack of understanding of even the basic application of concepts, critical thinking, and analysis and interpretation of principles or theories. Student’s work is performed in a pro forma manner as demonstrated by only an occasional correct application of the subject matter. Thus, the student’s work fails to realize some elements of (1) through (9) adequately—and contains several relatively serious errors or flaws, or many minor ones. A “D” paper often looks and reads like a first or second draft.

F Failure (59 or below) – Work fails to meet the expectations of university-level academic work; student’s work is performed in a pro forma manner as demonstrated by consistently misapplying the subject matter. Thus, the student’s work fails to realize several elements of (1) through (9) adequately—and contains many serious errors or flaws as well as many minor errors.

Note: Students are expected to show steady, progressive improvement in their work and writing. Students who continue to make repetitive mistakes in any aspect of the course or APA writing and format will be penalized up to one full grade. All required components must be completed in order to receive a final grade in this course.

A = 90-100 Excellent
B = 80-89 Above Average
C = 70-79 Average
D = 60-69 Below Average
F = below 60 Failure

Assignment Matrix Following Page
