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Learned concepts

Learned concepts

Complete each of the three following questions within a single MS-Word file or rich text format document: range 6 – 7 [Max] pages overall, double-spaced, and no references are necessary. Number each of your essays separately and in order.

Analyze these topics from the basis of our course content by beginning with an underlined thesis statement (purpose) in the first paragraph. Then use each paragraph to analyze a separate concept, theory, or principle from the text which helps explain the underlying economic content. Critique in your own words how your topic conforms with the economic theories from the text.

1. Select any two (2) Case Studies from the bottom of the weekly Modules and compare common macro-economic concepts / principles. Explain the outcomes in light of the course content (~ 2 pages);
Case study 1 – The End of High Growth.rtf – Why the Economy Doesn’t roar anymore (9)
Case study 2 – Unkept Economic Promises – Election 2016 Is Propelled by the American Economy’s Failed Promises (11)
Case study 3 – Europe Crisis – Euro Crisis Mires Continent in Longest Slump Since War (6)
Case study 4 – Prepare for a New Supercycle of Innovation (2)
Case study 5 – Japan vs. Chinese Economy – In Downgraded China, Echoes of Japan’s Boom and Bust (4)
Case study 6 – Japanese Deflation – Stagnant Japan Rolls Dice on New Era of Easy Money (9)
Case study 7 – Saudi Succession – The Saudi shake-up has one goal: Drag the country into modern era (7)
Case study 8 – Janet Yellen’s Greatest Challenge – Phil Gramm and Thomas R. Saving: Janet Yellen’s Greatest Challenge (3)
Case study 9 – Protectionism vs. Free-Market – What the wall street journal’s editorial page learned from the 1920s and the 1980s (5)

2. Watch the entire Episode III from The Commanding Heights, “The New Rules of the Game” which is linked in Module 8. Apply the key principles and concepts from Chapters # 38 – 39 Web on globalization to this video. Explain how each concept is relevant here (~ 2 pages); and

3. How has this course changed your thinking about the economy & your view of policy making? What new idea do you take away from this course with regard to the ability of policymakers to achieve their stated goals? What is the main course outcome(s) for you through the reading to date? (~ 2 pages)
Chapter 28 Consumption & Savings relationship
Income Consumption and Saving
Average propensities
Non-income Determinants – disposable income – wealth – borrowing – real interest rates
Investment demand curve
The Multiplier Effect

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