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Legal Environment of Business.

Legal Environment of Business.

1. Read pages 6182-6197 of Legal Environment of Business.
Antitrust laws are intended to limit anticompetitive behavior. As you read, consider whether this intended result has been
accomplished and whether this is good or bad for business.(80 WORDS)
2. Read pages 503-512 of Legal Environment of Business.
Think about all the consumer protection laws and the added costs for businesses to ensure compliance. Have we gone too far
with these laws, or do we need more regulation to ensure consumer protection? (60 WORDS)
3. Read pages 517-526 of Legal Environment of Business.
The Clean Air and Clean Water Acts assist with ensuring minimum standards must be met by businesses to operate. Given the
globalwarming potential, consider ifwe need more regulations to ensure a safe environment, or, do we have too much
intervention already. (100 WORDS)
a. Recall the readings and activities you have completed this week and describe the one or two points that were least clear to
you. What questions do you have that would help you understand these points better? – (60 WORDS)

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