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Making History

Making History

Paper details:
Your Reading Discussion Post requires a critical analysis of tutorial readings from Weeks 1 to 6, in relation to public history AND your own project topic and format
and your secondary reading and primary research to date.
In doing this you need to discuss what it means to think historically with evidence and argument, and how history-making involves narrative choices that are both
analytical and aesthetic.
You also need to reflect on what you have initially decided to include and exclude in your project narrative and integrate this reflection with a critical analysis of
primary sources you have identified (and/or archives you are using) considering issues of standpoint, marginalised pasts and archival silences from the tutorial
You may wish to use one of the weekly discussion questions to focus your discussion post.
You are expected to draw on at least 6 HIS3MHI tutorial readings which will be listed bellow the tasks required. between Weeks 1 to 6 in some way.
Try to identify authors’ arguments and critically analyse and synthesise them, rather than quoting authors at length.
It is fine to use very brief quotations from tutorial readings.
You are able to use and/or quote from your own posts to Weekly Online Discussion Forum in Weeks 1 to 5.

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