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manage conflict

1. We can learn to manage conflict better. How Do you think you could learn to better implement appropriate strategies to deal with conflict to minimise its effects and address the rights and responsibilities of all parties?

2. You have mediated a conflict between two employees that was disrupting work unit activities. The conflict arose because both employees felt they should be able to take home and use a laptop provided by the organisation to complete work. There is only one laptop and the organisation cannot afford to provide another one. An agreement has been reached where the employees have agreed they will share the laptop on an alternate basis. What should you do now that the conflict has been resolved?
3. Your organisation does not provide feedback about the operation of group processes to frontline staff. What would you say to the organisation’s manager about the need to forward feedback to staff?
4.Undertake your own research into one piece of anti-discrimination legislation (either state or Commonwealth) and provide a plain English summary of that Act.
1. Explain the concept of multiculturalism and how it impacts on diverse communities in Australia

1. Explain how new research results and best practice information can be assimilated into the services provided by an organisation.

2. Research your local community for industry experts that you consult and source information from to better your practice. This includes specific or external providers. List three providers or specialists and provide a summary of their services along with an explanation of the type of information that they could provide you.

3. Research a code of practice relevant to the community services industry (information can be found by visiting a community service or research the organisation’s website). Provide a summary of the information contained within it. Assess the code of practice against the organisation’s objectives (or mission statement

4.List at least five professional development opportunities that are available to improve your professional practice.
5.Consider all you have learnt from this training resources and consolidate the information. Describe (100-120words) the steps that you follow to create a personal development plan aimed at improving your professional practice.


Activity 3.
1. To establish the key aspects of cultural safety it will be necessary to consult with Indigenous co-workers, community members and elders. In 400- 450 words explain cultural safety, its importance to relationships between service providers and Indigenous communities and how it can be integrated into your own work and workplace.

1. What cross-cultural training should health/ community services staff receive, what issues might such training address and why is such training necessary? How does this help with understanding the culture of others and of self?

Activity 10.
explain why outcomes and measurement metrics must be identified and agreed upon. Who should participate in the agreement and subsequent evaluations of strategies and outcomes, and why. What is this likely to achieve?
Activity 9.
4. When in the conflict resolution process should access to support in the form of mediation be provided? Who should act as a mediator?
Activity 10.
7. For what purposes might meetings be held? Do not limit your responses to those ideas presented in the text.
Meetings are held in order that:
• Unexpected work problems should be reported.
• Information about procedures and policies should be provided.
• Informations and instructions should be given to the people who attend the meeting.
• The good work of individuals or a team should be recognised.
• Ideas should be consulted within the team members.
• Facts or opinions should be gathered or exchanged.

8. Explain the differences between formal and informal meetings.

Activity 11.
12. Explain what is meant when it is said that feedback on operation of group processes is a two-way street.
Activity 13.
18. You have been asked to plan appropriately to identify areas of need relating to resourcing and staffing. How would you do this?
Learners might suggest that the simplest method for most organisations to forecast staffing needs is to use a staffing table, which shows the jobs in the organisation, their occupants, reporting relationships, and lines of authority. It could also show probable succession. This indicates which staff are ready to move up the ladder and which require further training before they are ready for promotion.
Staffing tables are approximations, but can assist even small organisations in predicting their employment needs. They rely on organisations keeping information on the number of employees leaving or retiring. This exit information helps to predict staff needs by knowing approximately how many staff are due to retire or normally leave a particular section in a year. Breaking down this exit information into skill and job levels makes predictions more accurate.

Activity 17.
31. Undertake your own research into one piece of anti-discrimination legislation (either state or Commonwealth) and provide a plain English summary of that Act.
For example, the following laws operate at a federal level and the Australian Human Rights Commission has statutory responsibilities under them:
• Sex Discrimination Act 1984
• ? ?AgeDiscriminationAct2004 ?
• ???AustralianHumanRightsCommissionAct1986 ?
• ???DisabilityDiscriminationAct1992 ?
• ???RacialDiscriminationAct1975 ?
Question 1.
List at least five factors that impact on the morale of people in the workplace.
?Question 2. ?
Why do organisations have Codes of Ethics (or Codes of Behaviour)?
Question 3.
Why is it necessary for managers and supervisors to clarify, for employees, the links between individual performance and the achievement of organisational goals?
Question 4.
Managers and supervisors must be able to demonstrate active listening. Why?
Question 5.
What is duty of care? How might negligence in duty of care arise?
Question 6.
Why should leaders delegate tasks to appropriately skilled and capable staff?
Question 7.
What could be done to improve/ increase health and safety awareness and practices in an organisation?
Question 8. ?
Why do organisations have policies? What influences the development of policies? ?
