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Marketing Mix Analysis

Marketing Mix Analysis

The product is : Samsung Gear 360
Paper: Marketing Mix Analysis

Select an innovative product. Consider these questions: How does this product fill a market need? What is innovative about it? How is the company marketing the product?

The paper must include the following sections. Each section must have a separate title in the paper so that information can be easily identified.

1. Introduction ? Tell the product selected, and why it was selected. What is the market need that this product fills?
2. Target market ? Describe the target market that will buy this product. Be very detailed. What are the demographics, psychographics, attitudes, etc. of the customer?
3. Product description ? Describe the product. You may use photos or diagrams, but be sure to cite the source.
4. Pricing ? Include the total cost for the product. Is there a range of prices for various versions? Are there discounts? What else does the buyer need? (Ex: additional fees, shipping, warranty, installation, etc.)
5. Place (Distribution) ? Explain how the product is sold and distributed. Where can customers buy it? Is it regional, national, or global? (Ex: Stores, websites, etc.)
6. Promotion ? Describe at least three promotional tactics that are used for the product. Are there ads on TV, radio, banner ads, websites, endorsements, social media etc.? The paper must include at least one example of an existing ad.
7. Summary ? Briefly summarize the paper and its findings. What is your final opinion of this product and its marketing?
8. Reference page. Make sure it is properly formatted in order to receive full credit for this section.

You need at least three reference sources for this paper; one source may be the company website, others are magazine articles, newspaper articles, etc. Find out as much as you can about the product category, the competitors, and the customers.

You may NOT use Wikipedia or blogs as reference sources in the paper.

This paper is expected to be 5 – 6 pages, plus a cover page and a reference page. Remember that a research paper must include reference citations in the body of the paper, as well as a reference page. Follow APA writing format. This paper should be written in third-person, objective voice ? it is an analysis paper; it should not include opinion or beliefs.
