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McDonald’s and the Glocalization of Global Culture

McDonald’s and the Glocalization of Global Culture
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Prof. Anru Lee
Your Response Paper #1 is due 10/13 (Thur). No late assignments will be accepted. Absence from class on the day it is due does not excuse you from turning your paper late. The main text of your report should be at least 500 words long. Put the word count in the footer of your paper.
To complete this assignment:
1. Read the article “McDonald’s in Taipei: Hamburgers, Betel Nuts, and National Identity” (by David Wu). After reading the article:
a) State in one sentence the theme of this work.
b) List two important statements/points/arguments made by the author, in conjunction with the theme of the article.
2. Read the article “Rituals at McDonald’s” (by Conrad Kottak). After reading the article:
a) State in one sentence the theme of this work.
c) List two important statements/points/arguments made by the author, in conjunction with the theme of the article.
3. Compare and contrast McDonald’s in Taipei, Taiwan, and the United States of America.
a) What similarities do you observe from reading the articles in terms of, for example, how people view, behave, or consume at McDonald’s?
b) What differences do you observe from reading the articles in terms of, for example, how people view, behave, or consume at McDonald’s?
Both of these articles are on e-reserves.
