Mental Health
Assignment Instructions
Research: Annotated Bibliography
Background :
The first assignment asked you to analyze how professionals communicate in your field. In the second part of your assignment, you will conduct research on a subject
within your field, of your choice, in preparation for entering the conversation yourself. You develop the research proposal and do the research; you use the research
to produce a report in the third part of your assignment.
Research Question: Mental Health stigma in America
Writing Task
The assignment has three parts: a research proposal, the annotated bibliography and Research Report. Remember to clearly indicate each part of your assignment.
Part One: Research Proposal (1 pages)
The research proposal explains what you intend to find out and why it matters to the discipline – and to you. The proposal should:
• introduce your project and clarify the relevance to you.
• provide an overview of your research so far. What sources have you found? How do they relate to your query? How do they “speak” to one another?
• introduce your purpose. What do you intend to accomplish with your research?
Part Two: Annotated Bibliography ( 2 pages) 8 – 10 sources
The annotated bibliography should:
• include at least six total sources, of which three must be scholarly sources
• introduce each source with an MLA or APA works cited entry
• include a descriptive annotation of each source (a brief summary of the content of the source)
• include an evaluative annotation of each source (what you found useful, or what you didn’t like, and how it reenforced/contradicted other sources on the topic)
You are writing this assignment for people in your chosen discipline or profession. In all likelihood, your professor is not a member of this audience, so don’t write
it for him.
• Developed, but concise prose
• Proofread for grammatical and mechanical errors
Choose a topic that is a current problem or controversy or puzzling mystery that engages professionals and/or scholars in your chosen field or discipline. It should be
something that absolutely fascinates you, because between you’re going to be spending the next seven weeks pondering it, researching it and writing about it.
If you have any doubts about the appropriateness of your topic, feel free to discuss with me via email.
Part Three: Research Report ( 8 page )
Making use of the sources you gathered for your annotated bibliography- and doing additional research if you need to – write a report about a current
topic/problem/controversy/mystery in your discipline or career field of choice. The report will be written for your fellow professionals; therefore you will write it
according to the conventions and norms of your field.
Your paper must be at least 8 pages of text (not counting the bibliography at the end).
While the formats will vary, depending on your field, here are elements that you should consider:
Executive summary or abstract – should be between 300 and 400 words. Since it’s a summary of the final Report, you should write this section last.
Introduction – What is the background of your topic? Why is your topic important? Why would anyone care about reading this report? What is your overall thesis
statement (i.e., what will you PROVE in this Report?) How will you support this thesis? If you’re examining an existing problem, what are the possible solutions you
will analyze?
Methodology – How did you go about researching your topic? How did you choose your sources? Did you use any non-traditional data collection methods? Did you interview
anyone or conduct a survey?
Data Analysis and Results – The information here will depend heavily on the nature of your particular topic, but this is the “meat” of your paper. This is where you
will consider and analyze your topic. If you’re examining a problem, this is where you will examine the pros and cons of each possible solution. After you’ve analyzed
your data, you will explain the results of the analysis. What were some interesting and important findings? What do your sources say about your topic? If you’re
examining how a particular technology has impacted a business or how a law has affected an industry, what are a few specific ways that this has occurred? Refer to the
two sample papers; they address very different topics, so you can get an idea of different ways to approach this section. This section must be organized effectively!
Conclusions – Now that you’ve done the research, what does it all mean?
References (MLA or APA style) – at least six sources, of which at least three must be scholarly sources. You must cite from these sources in the text and provide a
bibliography at the end.
You may also collect data yourself and include that data in your report. Data may be collected through face-to-face, telephone, or e-mail interviews; surveys or
questionnaires; or other traditional forms of data collection. This does not mean that interviews or surveys are required. The six aforementioned sources will suffice.
But I just want you to be aware that you should always consider less typical means of data collection, e.g. interviews.
Annotated Bibliography This is my expectation
RUBRIC Poor – 4 pts Average – 7 pts Good – 10 pts.
Excellent – 13 pts
Research question Question statement is inadequate for a research project; proposed research not original nor challenging Question statement is not clearly
stated; proposed research is easy to obtain. Question statement is clear; proposed research is interesting and moderately challenging. Well stated question;
proposed research is original and challenging.
Number of Sources Fewer than 4 sources 4-6 sources provided Meets the minimum 6 More than the minimum 6 sources provided
Quality 0f Sources No scholarly sources 1-2 scholarly sources 3 scholarly sources More than 3 scholarly sources
Citation – summary Summaries do not meet the objective Summaries are neither concise nor complete Summaries either concise or complete but not both
Summaries are concise and complete
Citation – evaluation Evaluations are not provided for most sources Evaluations include either analysis of source or how source contributes to research topic.
Most evaluations include analysis of source and how source contributes to research topic All evaluations include analysis of source and how source contributes
to research topic
Grammar Numerous grammatical errors exist and impede meaning. Some grammatical errors exist but generally don’t impede meaning. Few grammatical errors exist
and don’t impede meaning. No grammatical errors exist.
Mechanics Report has numerous punctuation, spelling, or capitalization errors. Report has some punctuation, spelling, or capitalization errors. Report
has a few punctuation, spelling, or capitalization errors. Report has no punctuation, spelling, or capitalization errors.
Sentences and Style Sentences contain numerous errors and impede meaning. Style is not concise or professional. Sentences contain some errors but don’t impede
meaning. Style is generally concise and professional, but some additional editing is warranted. Sentences contain few errors that don’t impede meaning. Style is
concise and professional. Both sentences and style are good. Sentences contain no errors and are diverse and sophisticated. Style is concise and professional. The
report has clearly been edited and proofread numerous times.