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Module 2 Essay Paper : Analysis of a Performance Management System

Module 2 Essay Paper : Analysis of a Performance Management System

Write a 3 -4 page (does not include title page and bib) Essay Paper analyzing a performance management system in a health care setting and describe how it optimizes (or doesn’t and then what would need to change) employee performance and goal alignment at the individual, department and organizational levels. Review rubric for essay papers to ensure essay requirements are met as rubric is used for grading.

Required Textbooks: (Read chapter 6-10, 12)
Fallen, L.F. & McConnell, C. (2014). Human resource management in health care. Principles and practice. Burlington MA: Jones and Bartlett.
NOTE: Below is the comments from the instructor that you wrote for the last paper just so you know what she will be looking for. Thanks

“Horace, Your paper flows well and you referenced the literature correctly. But your manuscript was largely quoting the literature (however appropriately) leaving little narrative that shows your analysis and synthesis of what you read. You could do this through paraphrasing more and giving case examples from your experiences. This will enable me as your instructor to judge whether you understand and can apply what you have read. Your assessment of the competencies on the NM Inventory that you want to improve was only mentioned in one line at the end with no example of how you will do this. “
