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Mortality in the US Paper

Mortality in the US for the Last 100 Years

Leading causes of death vary with time. What used to be a major cause of mortality in the early 20th century could be insignificant in the present. Changes of lifestyle as well as advancement in technology are often the major causes of the variations. For diseases, development of vaccines and efficient curative medicines has changed their prognosis. In the 20th century, most deaths resulted from influenza and tuberculosis in addition to heart diseases, and injuries from accidents (Davies, 2014, Pg. 260). In the early days, minority populations used to die at a higher rate compared to their majority counterparts. As Davies wrote, differences in death rates along ethnicity reduced with time. Davis indicated that by 1955, Native Americans could enjoy healthier lives as compared to the earlier years (2014, Pg. 260).

Measures that Improved Health Care for Americans

Health for the Americans has improved with time. The government instituted measures that prevent occurrence of accidents and diseases. Again, the measures ensured improved quality of health care services. To fight mortality, the US government ensured that its citizens access health services with ease. Measures employed assured standard and quality services to all citizens.For instance, the government set up a number of health insurance services to cater for its people. With their use, everyone could afford both basic and advanced health care. The Affordable Care Act established in 2010, for instance, covers as many Americans as possible ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder them from accessing treatment. The policy takes care of the poor where the federal government funds for their medical services in full or at least pays for 90% of the medication (Medicaid.gov, 2014). When care is available, less people are likely to die of treatable diseases. As such, the plan has lowered death rates in America to a significant extent.

Mortality in the US in the 21st Century

United States record a high life expectancy of approximately 79 years. The nation has experienced tremendous developments in the health care within the last 20 years. Diseases account for the largest proportion in mortality causes among Americans. Other causes such as accidents and insecurity also account for a significant percentage of the deaths. CDC reported that among the leading fatal diseases in America are heart problems, cancer and respiratory abnormalities. The disease control center indicated that more than 600,000 Americans succumb to heart illnesses annually. Half a million Americans die of cancer every year while statistics were estimated to be slightly below 150,000 for deaths resulting from respiratory diseases (2013, Pg. 14). Rates of mortality vary with race, ethnicity, age, gender,and social backgrounds among other lines. Rates of death increased with age and rose drastically at the age group of 75 years and above.

Even with provision of quality healthcare to all Americans, chronic diseases still prove to be difficult to manage. The nature of disease determines how well its chances of causing death can be checked. The major problem with chronic diseases is not the cost of management but lack of cure. Therefore, even when Americans are cared for by insurance policies, deaths still occur as medication only slow the progress of the diseases.

Strategies to Fight Chronic Illnesses

JSI Research and Technical Institute acknowledged that chronic diseases are threatening to America. The institute observed that the best ways to manage the diseases involve lifestyle change. People should for instance avoid smoking, take healthy diets, and engage in appropriate physical exercises (2015, Pg. 5). Since chronic diseases are incurable, people need to employ preventive measures. Most of the preventive methods employed have worked and led to a decrease in the number of cases of chronic illnesses among the American population.



CDC. (2013). Leading Causes of Death. Retrieved May 19, 2015 from http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/leading-causes-of-death.htm

Davies, M. B. (2014). Native America in the 20th Century. Routledge.

JSI Research and Technical Institute. (2015). Chronic Diseases: Management. Retrieved May 19, 2015 from http://www.jsi.com/JSIInternet/USHealth/techexpertise/display.cfm?tid=1000&id=90

Medicaid.gov. (2014). Affordable Care Act. Retrieved May 19, 2015 from http://medicaid.gov/affordablecareact/affordable-care-act.html
