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Musical Performance

Musical Performance
Address the following statement in relation to at least TWO examples of musical performance.
“The authentic folk singer has to experience the feelings that lie behind his art.’ Alan Lomax, cited in Frith p. 163 – 164″

Assignment-Specific Criteria
In addition to the generic criteria for level 5 work in Drama, your essay for this module will be assessed specifically on
Your ability to demonstrate, in detailed and well-evidenced research-based writing, your understanding of musical performance in relation to the topic to be addressed;

Your ability to present clear and illuminating descriptions and analysis of musical performances, taking account of their social and cultural situation, and their medium (live, recorded);

Your ability to use an example or case study as a way of presenting more general ideas that might be applicable to other examples;

Your ability to engage in dialogue with relevant critical literature relevant to the topic of your written work.
