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N513 Assignment Guideline

N513 Assignment Guideline
DRAFT Critical Appraisal Table
Assignment Due Date: SEE COURSE SCHEDULE
Submission Procedure: Submit your assignment to the dropbox on CANVAS.
Assignment Purpose: This assignment will provide you with the opportunity to summarize the critical appraisal of the selected papers retrieved/included from your literature search. The content of the critical appraisal table will be included in the CAPSTONE EBP poster.
Assignment Guidelines:
1. You will use the Critical Appraisal Table template for this assignment as shown on page 552 of the Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt Textbook (2015 edition). When making your table in Microsoft Word, you will need to set the page to “landscape” rather than “portrait.” You can simply use the Insert function in Word, select Table, and the number of columns/rows needed for your Critical Appraisal Table.
2. Type your PICOT question at the top of the table page (either in the header OR as the first line of the word document OR as the first row of the table [MERGE cells]). Populate each of the fields (columns) with the information from each article that supports your PICOT question. You may remove the “Conceptual Framework” column leaving 8 columns to complete.
3. Complete sentences should not be used in the columns. When abbreviations are used (e.g., IV, BMI) then at the bottom of the table you will need to have an explanation such as “Note: independent variable (IV); body mass index (BMI)”. This table will be more detailed than your final table that appears in the poster template but it is still brief! Refer to the various examples that have been given in the assigned articles.
4. The assignment will include ALL the studies that you retrieved/included in your literature search and intend to use for the CAPSTONE EBP Project. This will most likely be 7-12 papers.
5. Please be sure to name your file uploaded to the assignment dropbox in the following format: LastName_FirstName_AssignmentName_Date. For example: Dorn_Lorah_DRAFTCRITICALAPPRAISALTABLE_9.1.14
Grading: This is a graded assignment. The assignment is worth 10pts. Scholarly work is expected; thus, up to 2 pts will be deducted for poor grammar, spelling, typos and/or APA errors. The following grading criteria will be used to evaluate the assignment:
N513 Draft Critical Appraisal Table Grading Rubric
Organization (content for appraisal appropriately placed within table template) 2pt
Clarity (writing is concise and clearly conveys intended meaning) 2pts
Addresses assignment purpose (appraisal accuracy) 5pts
Follows assignment instructions 1pt
