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OL 125 – Human Relations in Administration

OL 125 – Human Relations in Administration
True/False : 2 points each

1. The human relations between leaders and followers is affected by leadership style. ____
2. The participative style entails low-directive-low supportive behavior and is appropriate when interacting with outstanding employees. ____
3. Performance is based solely on motivation? ____
4. An individual’s performance generally declines when it is measured and evaluated. ____
5. The use of coercive power is particularly appropriate for people with weak (or no) position power. ____
6. During an interview, it is considered good etiquette to wait for the interviewer to bring up the topic of salary and benefits. ____
7. Norms are fixed and generally do not change over time to meet the needs of the group. ____
8. With the trend toward self-directed teams, workplace meetings are happening less often. ____
9. The rating scale is a performance appraisal method that is used to evaluate employee performance from best to worst. ____
10. Some of the signs that an organization may have a climate problem include high rates of tardiness, absenteeism and turnover. ____
11. Affirmative action is a recruitment tool to bring formerly disadvantaged workers into the workforce. ____
12. Employees who witness, but are not subjected to, sexual harassment on the job cannot sue for sexual harassment. ____
